Rick, we do not like you, but we like Steven Unthank.
Steven Unthank is a true HERO
by Shawn10538 34 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
I haven't followed Unthank closely. People here seem to think he is the Second Coming of Christ. I don't think so. A 500 hour interview is still staged. How can an Internet forum with members mostly in the US and the UK know all the details. Maybe he is good. Perhaps he is a fraud. Heck, it is possible that he is both.
We hold the WT to extremely high burdens of proof. Any supposed martyr for our cause is held to low standards. It isn't fair. So many people here who are normally sophisticated and nuanced are worshipping him. Assuming he is innocent, the worship is troublesome.
Making the WT comply with the law is a good thing. If it were so obvious, the prosecutors should have gone forward. JWs do not get a sympathy vote from the public. There is nothing to stop the WT from reversing course if they win the litigation.
More must transpire before we know how powerful he was. If you want to worship someone, pick a Beatle or Dylan.
I second that.
Time will tell things more about Steven Unthank. Good and/or Bad. At least Steven Unthank apologized for posting the pic of the girl. Rick Fearon has NEVER apologized to us.
Why is it absolutely necessary for some posters to immediately offer what they believe is a "balanced" point of view on every freakin thread about Steven?... if people want to hail him as a hero or even worship him, let them... that's their perogative.
shutting down computer... PM me instead...
mind blown
I also second that He made even more people aware of the WTS not protecting children from preditors, as well as got the JW's in Austrailia to comply with the WWC act.
Support of Steven Unthank, is not the same as worship.
My personal thoughts are, since the WTS is now complying with the WWC act, it was more burdensome and expensive for the Crown to proceed. Between court expense and extradition expense:
Conclusions- Much depends on which country wants a person and for what. Today a country could request extradition of a person who never was a citizen or resident of that country for a crime when that person may never have ever set foot upon the soil of that country. This could be a conspiracy offense, an internet offense, a stock market offense, international banking offense and so forth. Many countries will not extradite their citizens. If the crime is not a crime in both countries extradition may not work. If extradition does not work a determined government may take other measures. Extradition appears to be a costly and time consuming process especially if one fights the extradition. Not every country is devoted to spending fortunes on prosecuting criminals, some seem to spend money on such endeavors as if they had unlimited funds others view it as a frivolous waste of the taxpayers money especially if the person is not a threat to their citizens since the criminal is out of their country and probably permanently. This is a vague area of law with no clear steadfast rules and expert country by country legal advice must be sought.
I second that mind blown
The fact that the WTB&TS complied with the law eventually,as well as it being a" religous institution" is probably another reason why they decided not to prosecute.And it still doesn`t take away from the fact that the law is an ass.
Band on the Run
Their compliance may have mooted the case. They get away with a lot b/c they are religious. Anyway there is no remedy a court could impose since they are in compliance. He basically accomplished what a court could not. Without a court order, though, ordering compliance with heavy sanctions if they disobey, the Witnesses can revert to their original position.
I doubt that the US would ever extradite the GB. It smacks of religious persecution. I don't know any elder can fail to promptly alert the authorities. Given their wacko beliefs, I can understand the two witness rule for church governance. The WT confuses church governance with criminal law. Burdens of proof and corroborating evidence rules are part of Australia law, not WT law.
They fail to pay Caesar what is Caesar's.
How can anyone have such utter confidence from anything on the Internet. People here do spin against the WT, mostly for valid reasons.
Lady Lee
Any person who takes a public stand against the policies of the Watchtower Society has a lot of courage. Far too many people want to sit back and let other people take their stand and then bash them when it doesn't work out.
True heros do what they do regardless of the cost. They get up in the morning and get dressed and head out to do their job. They do that job regardless of whether anyone will ever notice. At the end of the day they go home and maybe watch a little tv and then go to bed. True heros often sleep well at night because they know they have done the best they can regardless of the outcome.
Throughout the last 30 years there have been many men and women that have taken a stand. Many of them were the early posters on H2O and later here on JWD/JWN, Some wrote books. Others picketed at conventions (like our Mouthy). Some created websites. Most paid a high price for the stand they took. But few would change a thing about what they have done.
Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone.