Are you sowing seeds of doubt among the RF?

by jam 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    For those who are still in, are you dropping little hints

    among your friends , this is not the truth. I realize you must

    be careful, but any good results? Maybe not the best approach

    (this is not the truth), but just to get them to think.

    Personally I think it,s A good idea to have those of you that

    are still in and realize it,s not the truth stay in as long as you

    can take it.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Good question.

    After all, it's part of the rationale of those who remain in for whatever reasons. Especially those who chose to remain elders.

    If you're in and not doing something proactive for those around you, how can you justify still being a JW?

  • ex360shipper

    I have and it sorta backfired on me. I was chastized for being spiritually weak. I bet I know more about the org than most of the sheeple that are at the meetings day in and day out!

  • baltar447

    I do, I'm trying to get my brother out. I think he's mentally on the way out already though.

  • Miles3

    That's the only reason I didn't send a disassociation letter. I'm planning on having some long JC + appeal sessions eventually, but before that there's plenty of rank and file that deserve to be given an informed choice more than a few elders. So I'm doing the minimal to still have access to people I know. It's going to take time to see everyone I care about, because first the bulldozer appoach doesn't work, and second I'm still trying to get a life, and that's a priority.

    I don't need the Borg in my life, nor anybody still mentally in. There's no real friendship in a high control group.

    I don't condomne supporting the scam and contributing to the mind control though, even for the sake of familly. Since that's what public talks and other parts from servants do, I certainly won't give them, nor go preaching or give comments at the KH, except when those comments represent the ugly thruth and can help the less asleep wake up a bit.

  • Kojack57

    You have to be careful when trying to help some jdubs. Mention ANYTHING NEGATIVE and you just might get "THATS APOSTATE AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT "

  • Phizzy

    I think it depends how you phrase things, something like "I am really struggling to understand how we could prove the new over-lapping generation teaching to a sceptic in the DtoD work, how would you explain it from the Bible ?"

    Put them on the spot, stick with it too, and show how weak the doctrine is, same with the Blood doctrine and 1914 etc "How would you explain it using only the Bible ?"

    This makes them confront the weakness of their "truth".

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    One of the best ways I've found to plant seeds is by phrasing the issue in the ministry.

    I'm completely off the hook if I say someone in service asked me a question. It puts JWs in a different mode when they feel they MUST come up with a reasonable explanation to a householder for how kangaroos got from the ark to Australia, or if it required evolution for the millions of species to have fit inside the ark just a few thousand years ago. I started by just using the approach in talking one-on-one and have successfully questioned blood, disfellowshipping, and numerous other issues without particularly raising red flags because they're all very good questions that people in the ministry could ask and the dubs should be able to answer. But WT tries to keep their brains turned off... except to keep them thinking about the ministry. That is the point where new thoughts can be introduced.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    There is no doubt, I have learned more from JWN about strange doctrine, than from reading "Kingdom Proclaimers" and the two previous books. As a young man, I loved to read everything the Org wrote, but the strange doctrine, passed by my mental defenses. JWN has the smartest minds and many of you still read the Bible, more than the R/F members. It's a tight rope act, to pass critical thinking skills on new kids and older ones. The R/F in their 55-85 age range, appear to have mental lock jaw, and don't want any medication to balance the hypocritial bacteria. Today, when one old blow hard sister said "Jehovah has hand picked his elders and they are working over-time to guard us sheep." I caughed out loud, and ran to get a drink, with a xanax. The remaining ones in the KHs, need to be careful and guard their speech, just like old JWs in Eastern European Block and Central Asia, feeling out their territory and the proper time. Just my 2 cents.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    I definitely try to plant seeds. I'm not sure how far I've gotten, but I've had some good conversations. Who knows how much people think about those things and are caused to doubt? I hope they give it a lot of thought.



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