I grew up hearing this all the time. It made me wish my life away, not look at the small joys every day of life brings to all of us. Instead I looked at all the bad there was in the world, my life, etc and blamed it all on Satan. I so clearly remember when in my mid teens hearing about a old faithful brother who was like checking off the days saying well one more down so I am one day closer to Jehovah's new system.
It was like someone living in prison who was marking down the days until they are released. Or someone working in a dreadful job and counting down the days until they can quit or retire.
This religion makes life seem like such a trial, that living each day is just a hardship to endure and overcome, not life to enjoy.
I feel like I lost most of my life to this negative way of thinking. My childhood was robbed from me because I would never start school then it was I would not graduate then it was I would never get married then it was I would never have kids. I chose not to have kids because as I was told 'who in their right mind would have kids in such a horrible world.' But if I had, had children they would now be old enough to have kid themselves. And yet this wicked old world is still going on and people are still (gasp in shock) still enjoying the small joys that life brings to everyone who is not a Jehovah's Witnesses.
Even with all of this knowledge I still find myself still wishing for tomorrow throwing away the joys of today and hoping that tomorrow will bring the happiness I was never allowed to look for in the small joys of every day.
It truly feels like they have tried really hard to suck the joy of life out of me. I need to stop letting them do that.