Banks never show the tellers what counterfeit money looks like? It’s truly a lie!

by life is to short 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I have been meaning to post this for awhile and I just came across this example yet again with a JW it is so frustrating because it is JUST NOT TRUE!

    I so clearly remember assemblies and talks where this point was brought out over and over, that banks teach their teller only what real money looks like so they will know the feel and touch of it, that banks NEVER GIVE their telles counterfeit but only real money so then when a counterfeit comes through they can catch it easily because they know what the real thing looks like so well. It is even in the Bible Teach book that was printed in 2005.

    None of it is true.

    When my husband and I left Bethel in 1994 I was working at two jobs all the time to try to make it, finally I got a job as a bank teller. Every month there were employee meetings. The second month on the job the manger of the Bank had someone from the Feds come with you guessed it counterfeit money and counterfeit checks. Checks that had been washed to higher amounts.

    It was amazing to me. This was in 1995. Some of the counterfeit was clearly counterfeit but some of it was good, very good so good that the guy from the Fed said it was had even for experts to tell if it was counterfeit. That's way we had the pens and the money counters to help us. Also the checks some were clearly counterfeit but other had been washed so good and the hand writing was close to the owners that it was almost impossible to tell. The point was from the Feb to always be on the outlook. We were able to touch and feel the different kinds of counterfeit money and checks unlike what I had been tought all my life from the Faithful Slave.

    I myself as a teller did get counterfeit money that I know of at least once. It was a business who had a teenager working for him at night and she took a piece of cardboard that had $20.00 written on it and this business owner had put that piece of cardboard in the middle of his bundle of $20.00 I can only assume hoping I would not notice it.

    But anyway that was the middle of the 90's yet here in 2005 when the What Dose the Bible Really Teach Book was released is the quote for page 144 ("How can you know the right way to worship Jehovah? You do not have to study and compare the teachings of all the many religions. You need only learn what the Bible really teaches about true worship. To illustrate: In many lands, there is a problem with counterfeit money. If you were given the job of picking out such false money, how would you go about it? By memorizing every kind of counterfeit? No. Your time would be better spent if you studied real money. After you knew what real money looked like, you could recognize a counterfeit. Similarly, when we learn how to identify the true religion, we can recognize those religions that are false.")

    It is just so frustrating to know that GB just out right distorts the truth.

    I remember coming home from work that day of the employee meeting and telling my elder husband about my day at work and how clearly what we were taught about bank's was not true. My husband told me I was probably just working one of the few banks that did things that way he was sure most of the Banks followed what was written in the publications because the Faithful Salve would not lie.

    This was just another crack in thinking that something was really wrong with this religion.


  • mrsjones5

    How would the faithful slave know if its never worked at a bank? And your right about banks training their employees how to spot a counterfeit by showing them examples of fakes, I used to be a teller too. Tellers see real money all of the time, how would they know how to spot a fake bill if they've never seen one?

  • agonus

    The problem with this illustration is that the U.S. Mint (or your local analogue) is an organization sponsored/run by the U.S. Government for the express purpose of producing currency, and there is only ONE U.S. Mint - there are not several competing state-sponsored currency production centers. Religion doesn't work this way in most free countries - all registered churches are considered "legitimate" though their beliefs may vary - there is no official state religion, and, unlike the WT, many churches do not consider other churches "deficient" or "counterfeit". Plus, religion is an intangible - it's not a quantifiable commodity like currency, and "religious truth" is entirely subjective. If there was an appropriate analogue to this poor illustration, wouldn't the Bible be considered the "currency" of Christianity, and if so, wouldn't the Roman Catholic Church be actually closer to the U.S. Mint than the Watchtower?

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Very good points agonus, even as a kid I used to wonder about this illustration, something about it just never made and sense to me.


  • agonus

    Plus, there's the old problem (which seems to railroad a lot of WT reasoning) of the prior conclusion. You pretty much have to already start with the assumption that This Is The Truth in order for that illustration to work. You don't need to examine counterfeit religions to recognize The True One? OK. So how do I know what The True Religion looks like? Because We're The True Religion. Oh, I see. Well how do I know you're The True Religion and not a counterfeit when I have nothing to compare it against because you just told me not to examine others because they're counterfeit? Er... Because We're The True Religion.

    There is almost ALWAYS an element of circular logic to practically every important teaching of the WT. You just can't get around it!

  • Leolaia
    How can you know the right way to worship Jehovah? You do not have to study and compare the teachings of all the many religions. You need only learn what the Bible really teaches about true worship. To illustrate: In many lands, there is a problem with counterfeit money. If you were given the job of picking out such false money, how would you go about it? By memorizing every kind of counterfeit? No. Your time would be better spent if you studied real money. After you knew what real money looked like, you could recognize a counterfeit. Similarly, when we learn how to identify the true religion, we can recognize those religions that are false.

    Wow. Negative data is important too. With that logic, there would be no negative controls in medicine or scientific research. Or exclusion in criminal forensics.

  • Scully

    I wonder if it's wrong to put counterfeit money in the Contribution Box™. It would serve them right, as they dispense counterfeit Truth™.

  • baltar447

    One could print out some Aposta-dollars and stuff the contribution boxes with them.

  • Scully

    I was just thinking that very thing, Baltar447!

  • mrsjones5

    Slightly off topic: I bought a couple boxes of girlscout cookies yesterday and the little girl who took my 10 whipped put a counterfeit detector pen and checked to make sure it was real.

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