I have been afflicted with Tinnitus and loss of hearing in both ears for over two years. I finally made an appointment with an ENT last week and was given a dietary supplement called LIPO-FLAVONOID. I'm taking three pills a day to improve circulation in the inner ear. Hope it works!
The loss of hearing and the ringing in my ears are due to listening to loud music. I've been to over 200 hard rock,funk,and heavy metal concerts in my life. I started going to shows when I was 15 years old and attend shows even today with my son. We've seen Slayer,Rob Zombie,Ozzy,Ministry,Megadeth, Nevermore and hundreds of others. Some of these shows were so loud that we would go home with ears ringing for days. The louder the music the better the show!
The ENT told me that my ears are damaged and that Tinnitus may afflict me all my life. The ringing is worse when there is complete silence. The ringing is non-stop. I was told that the ringing will get worse as I age. I hope there is some relief in site for people with Tinnitus. If anyone knows of a solution please drop me a message.