Scum in Britain

by varian 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    I think Stacey Dooley has a valid point considering the government has invited this religion into the country to practice their religion without prejudice.

    Then this religion turns around and denounces the government that invited them and all other religions and their believers.

    As its been pointed out by others the Muslim faith by word of the Koran says to vanquish unbelievers, some member fractions of this faith

    are taking this in stride or at least they are creating an environment of intolerance to other religions and any social standards indifferent to theirs.

  • talesin

    to practice their religion without prejudice.

    Yes, like Xtianity hasn't had reign in the gov't for centuries ............

    I don't like ANY religions,,,, it just so happens that Islam has come under criticism lately because of the EXTREMISTS ..

    Let's not forget the LOVING Xtians that are lynching, burning crosses, and persecuting Gays and Blacks.



  • cantleave

    This NOT racist. The extremists interviewed are indeed scum. So I am going to hell for not being moslem? I am so pleased that I ain't going to spend eternity with these ass-holes! They say they have a right to freedom of speech, so do I, I say Mohammad was a twat.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Let's not forget the LOVING Xtians that are lynching, burning crosses, and persecuting Gays and Blacks.

    No one is forgetting that. I am every bit as vocal about the atrocities committed by Christians. But that doesn't give Muslims a free pass for theirs. Evil is evil, regardless of who is perpetuating it.

  • talesin

    @ Phizzy .... YES!

  • talesin

    Really, Soze?

    No one is forgetting that

    I beg to differ.... the hatred directed at those of the Muslim persuasion seems to be exclusionary of the history of Xtianity, and its crimes against humanity .. still ongoing, I might add, with the rapes of children.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I beg to differ.... the hatred directed at those of the Muslim persuasion seems to be exclusionary of the history of Xtianity, and its crimes against humanity .. still ongoing, I might add, with the rapes of children.

    And what does the history of Christianity have to do with Muslims or this thread? Are Muslims immune from legitimate criticism because of the atrocities committed by Christians?

  • Phizzy

    cantleave, I will die for you to have the right to say that ! Disrespectful and inaccurate as it may be, Muhammad was far from what you said, as you know you s**tstirer !

    But as soon as this country starts stamping down on irreverent speech I am going to leave. Offensive speech is not the same as hate speech, many would be offended if you said Jesus was a twat, and you would be just as wrong as to detail, but you have the right to say it, and they have the right to be offended.

    Nobody, even Mods on here, has the right to suppress free speech.

    Ignorance is our enemy, the "scum" you rail against are ignorant, we have no need to go down to their level, we need to espouse the cause of greater education and compassion.

  • thetrueone

    I don't like ANY religions,,,, it just so happens that Islam has come under criticism lately because of the EXTREMISTS ..

    Looking back at this religion in the last 100 years, since when has this religion not been involved with extremist actions ?

    If not against the Jews in Israel or every where else in the middle east. Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq ...

    Christianity used to be extremists back in the middle ages, you cant say that about them now, particularly against other religious faiths.

    Ironic as it is the JWS behave in a similar manner when they state that all other religions are evil and they are being guided by Satan

    and that all governments are equally evil because they aren't controlled by the JWS themselves.

    Isn't organized religion wonderful ?

  • Chariklo

    Varian and others, I'm among those who have had trouble getting back into this thread to reply.

    Varian, I meant no offence. I was just very shocked at the tone of the video. Because I couldn't get in here to post I've put my thoughts in a new thread here. (I don't know how to make links on here clickable. )

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