darthfinder --- this might be right about Wall St. and the rest of it, too. I'll check the link out. Guess that's why they have so-called country club prisons but thought most wealthy people went there because of tax evasion.
The lying upper class??
by darthfader 11 Replies latest social current
There's a sucker born every minute. There's also a liar/exaggerator/embellisher (whatever you want to call it) born every minute. The point of the research is to find if certain classes have a greater propensity for it.
Do the results really suprise anyone? I won't defend the third test in the article, but I find the first two very in touch with reality. Intelligence, merit, hard work and ambition go a long way. But so does embellishment. Intelligence, merit, and hard work particularly is generally enough to ensure you make enough to pay the bills, but in most business environments that won't get you above middle management. If you want to make it to the top, it takes the ambition to aggressively pursue it, a little well-timed embellishment to accentuate your accomplishments, and a little luck. Hard work and intelligence alone won't get you there unless it falls in your lap, which is next to never.
Especially in the test with the dice, I don't consider that lying (though technically it is). It doesn't matter how smart you are, you have to sell yourself and your abilities to get ahead. You have to portray yourself as a "winner". You need to have the ability to step in dogsh!t and come out smelling like roses.