Which do you think is the most pernicious teaching of the JW's?

by Chariklo 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chariklo

    As I turn things over in my mind, one JW lie stands out.

    That God doesn't listen to all prayers. Unless I have it wrong, and I don't think I do, JW's believe, and have been endlessly, ruthlessly taught, that only those living by "Jehovah's righteous standards"...that awful glib phrase again...will get their prayers listened to. In other words, God looks at the number the person is calling from, so to speak, checks who it is, looks him up in his book of misdeeds, and angrily slams the phone down.

    The Jehovah God of the WT is petty and mean-minded. It's the elephant in the living room, but nobody ever dares to point out that if we are all imperfect, as we are told we are by the WT, then how can anyone live up to these...yuk...righteous standards?

    It's to my mind one of the most pernicious of their horrible lies because it completely misrepresents the loving God of the New Testament. Of course, if the whole thing has sent you away from any religious belief that would be understandable, but it would still be interesting to know what people think is the worst in their arsenal of control.

    Yes, of course, I know how very awful some of the actively restrictive measures are on individuals, like the shunning, the dominance and superiority of males (even thick ones) etc etc etc. This is just what comes to me today.

  • leavingwt

    "Only the Watchtower Organization can correctly interpret The Bible."

  • Chariklo


  • james_woods

    Of course, another teaching that really amounts to negligent manslaughter (if not murder) is the blood doctrine.

    But I offer this as the root cause of all the issues with the JW religion:

    Their completely delusional view of their god. These people really, truly, believe that their god Jehovah is very shortly going to come down to earth and mercilessly KILL EVERY MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD who are not JWs. This is their basic belief in their god - they are worshipping what they have imagined to be the worst mass murderer in all history.

    This is an earthwide murder fantasy which makes Charlie Manson and the Peoples Temple leader look like they are in kindergarten playing in the sandbox.

  • elderelite

    "You positivly will not die"

  • Leolaia

    I think its....

    Put your life on hold until the New System comes. Pioneer, don't go to college, don't seek out a viable career, don't plan for your future. Some were told to not marry, don't have kids, don't have life-saving surgeries. Just wait a little longer....just a little longer...it's gonna be any day now...and then you're old, your best years are gone, you're now sick, and almost all your years are gone, and the only thing left is a resurrection hope...And even that could be lost if, in your old age, you find yourself disfellowshipped or branded an apostate.

  • iamwhoiam

    "Millions now living will never die"

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    That the GB is god's sole channel

  • Giordano

    What James said: Blood and Armageddon...........In short they are a death cult.

    Shunning is the second most pernicious teaching.

    Third is they rejoice in banality.

    Fourth they kill off the dreams of their followers and replace them with their dreams.

    Fifth ....they lie..........it's not about serving god it's about serving the needs of gods organization.

  • Chariklo
    Fifth ....they lie..........it's not about serving god it's about serving the needs of gods organization.

    Yes, and the Bible studies don't actually study the Bible, but what the Watchtower says the Bible says.


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