How have the numbers of the anointed been doing - staying steady or finally declining? That was always a puzzle to me how that could stay so steady.
I've been away, need an Anointed update
by UnConfused 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Going up, actually. It was steady for a number of years through the 90s and 2000s, and then they decided that the "sealing" wasn't actually over yet in 2006/2007, and the numbers have been steadily rising ever since. It's up to over 12,000 now.
Are they kidding? It's up over 12,000 now! Does anyone have the article in which the said the sealing wasn't done? I thought that in 1923 or 1925 they had originally said the sealing was accomplished.
UnConfused, here is some information that might interest you regarding the number of Memorial partakers.
1) Number of Memorial Partakers since 2000. Shows a definite increase.
2000 - 8661, 2001 - 8730, 2002 - 8760, 2003 - 8565, 2004 - 8570, 2005 - 8524, 2006 - 8758, 2007 - 9105, 2008 - 9986, 2009 - 10857, 2010 - 11202, 2011 - 11824.
2) Watchtower tries to explain away the unexpected increase by saying some of them may be 'emotionally imbalanced.'
(W 8-15-11 p22)
"Memorial partakers. This is the number of baptized individuals who partake of the emblems at the Memorial worldwide. Does this total represent the number of anointed ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors - including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance - might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling. We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones."3) This new trend contradicts the Watchtower teaching from the past that the declining number of partakers was proof that we are in the last days.
(W 1-15-2000 p13)
“Six convincing lines of evidence that we are in the last days”… "Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.”- and -
(1981 Yearbook, p31)
Over the past seven years, from 1974 to 1980 inclusive, Jehovah’s Witnesses have made steady progress. Their growth is healthy. Only as to Memorial partakers has there been a gradual decline, which is in accord with Scriptural expectations.As to the date of their sealing, I believe it was 1935, but I don't have that info in front of me. Someone can correct that if it's wrong.
I'm looking for the latest reference that changes the 1935 sealing to an undetermined date. Can't find it for now. Will keep looking, but someone may beat me to it.
That was a wonderful SView, thank you.
Here are a few references that the sealing of the 144,000 (little flock) was supposed to end in 1935, and that from then on it was the great crowd that was being gathered.
(W 5-15-2001, p15)
Prior to 1935, an increasing number of those who responded to the Bible’s message and showed zeal in preaching the good news manifested an interest in living forever on the Paradise earth. They had no desire to go to heaven, for God had not given them the hope of heavenly life. Their identifying themselves with the great crowd of other sheep indicated that by 1935 the calling of the 144,000 anointed Christians was virtually complete.—Revelation 7:4.
( W 2-15-1995 p19, par6)
Logically, the calling of the little flock would draw to a close when the number was nearing completion, and the evidence is that the general gathering of these specially blessed ones ended in 1935. However, the other sheep in the time of the end were prophesied to grow to be “a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.” Since 1935 the general gathering by Jehovah has been of this great crowd, whose hope is everlasting life on a paradise earth.(W 3-15-1972 p171, par11)
However, especially since 1935 there has been the gathering of God’s larger family, the “great crowd” having the earthly hope, that John saw after the sealing of the 144,000. -
The change in the sealing from being in 1935 to being wide open again was in the May 1st, 2007 WT.
Here's a load of info on it:
Watchtower tries to explain away the unexpected increase by saying some of them may be 'emotionally imbalanced.'
I would have to agree with the Watchtower's statement above with one change, they are all 'emotionally imbalanced'
A different formatting of ScenicViewer's post with a few comments. (I find it easier to see the trend this way).
?Memorial partakers
- 2000 - 8661
- 2001 - 8730
- 2002 - 8760
- 2003 - 8565
- 2004 - 8570
- 2005 - 8,524 - Historical low
- 2006 - 8,758
- 2007 - 9,105 - This was a 3.8% increase in partakers which is greater than the 3.1% increase in JW overall!
- 2008 - 9,986
- 2009 - 10,857
- 2010 - 11,202
- 2011 - 11,824 ? This is a 5.6% increase
I like your list. Much easier to make sense of that way.