Who do JW's think "his" is in Mt 24? Master? or Servant?

by pharmer 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pharmer
    Mt 24:45-47
    45 "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time?
    46 Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.
    47 Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions.

    I think this is a simple question. Who do the JW's typically identify the highlighted possessive pronouns to be: The master, or the servant?

    I think "his" is referring to the master in these highlighted portions, but I've never been a JW, so I can't speak for them. Djeggnog apparantly is a JW, but I can't trust him, as my "conversation" with djeggnog ended with him throwing out insults and being unable to answer an elementary question regarding a statement he made. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/222294/4/More-Elders-Doubt-They-Are-Appointed-By-The-Holy-Spirit

    I don't intend this to be controversial; although no one can speak for djeggnog, who was not able to clarify his own constructed sentence, I figure most JW's should be able to clarify this verse. I sincerely would like to know what JW's typically think on these highlighted areas.

    Thanks much!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Inviting eggnog to converse with you is like asking Legion to be your friend.

    My opinion is that he has a mental / socialogical problem that prevents him from seeing anyone elses viewpoint as valid or at least having any merit. In other words he is never wrong in his own deluded world view. Aspergers most likely fits the bill, but i'm no expert so it's just my hunch.

  • pharmer

    Lol, thanks for the info. I thought it harmless to have him try and clarify one small, minor point of his so I could rule out a typo, but...lol.

    Anyway, do you think the highlighted words in this post are referring to the master, or the servant? Just curious; this is not a setup.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The master seems the obvious choice..

  • pharmer

    To me too, but I was afraid to even ask djeggnog after the run-around I got from him on his own statement:

    Djeggnog: ...it is by means of holy spirit that the "faithful and discreet slave" (Matthew 24:45-47), as represented by the Governing Body, received its appointment to preside over the slave's "domestics"...

    I still have no idea if "slave's" was a typo on his part, or if it was intentional.

    Any guess?

    Thanks WMF

  • Ding

    The master's household and the master's possessions.

    That's why the GB claims to be in charge of Jehovah's earthly affairs.

  • pharmer

    Thanks Ding, that's what I thought too.

    Any guess as to why djeggnog wrote "slave's" in this statement of his? (typo??)

    Djeggnog: ...it is by means of holy spirit that the "faithful and discreet slave" (Matthew 24:45-47), as represented by the Governing Body, received its appointment to preside over the slave's "domestics"...
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Ahh the Eggnog parlance, ... translation: FDS was appointed "over all his belongings" ...that included "domestics" (fellow slaves to you and me?) i.e the slave was raised in status to be "over" them, thus they became the slaves domestics.

    Other than that guess, it's really not worth discussing anything with him at all. He will argue that is because he always "wins". I say it because he will twist this way and that postulating unsubstatiated nonsense as fact until he is blue in the face. If you have the stomach for it and can mentally cope with dealing with someone who has no intellectual honesty then by all means go for it.

  • sir82

    As Ding said, JWs teach that the "his" refers to "the master", Jesus.

    There have been numerous WT articles on how the "the faithful slave" has been "entrusted" with Jesus' "earthly possessions", meaning basically real estate owned by the WTS.

  • Ding

    I don't know.

    Only djeggnog can explain what he meant and whether or not he misspoke.

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