Tonight I just got my certificate: I'm officially a member of my church and a Baptist. (I think of myself as just a general Christian, but I like the laid-backishness of the Baptists. I definitely don't think one denomination is better than anyone else though, and my church is multi-cultural, so I'm not a hater of other races like some Southern Baptists). So, I officially can't be considered a JW now. NOT telling my family though, I mean, the 3 that still talk to me. But it's a funny feeling, I'm a member of a church that I love and don't feel guilty about it. Just a few months ago I'd be terrified but now it just feels right. I just thought I'd share =)
It's official!
by lilbluekitty 20 Replies latest jw experiences
If it makes you happy, then congratulations! It certainly is a big step---such an official move.
Congrats! Just curious, what made you pick the Baptists as opposed to any other Christian faith?
Thanks! I did a lot of research and we went to a few churches, my husband and I. It just feels right to me, the music is great and it's more casual than some other denominations. Pentecostals and Catholics kind of scare me a little and Adventists are too similar to JWs. I'm not a fan of footwashing like the Methodists and Lutherans and Presbeterians seem too formal to me, as do Anglicans and Episcopalians (sp). Mostly, I'm non-denominational, I simply enjoy the Bible and learning more about Jesus. I'm not the stereotypical Baptist with all the hand-raising/amen-ing etc. I don't hate black people or anything either. I just really like this church, it feels like home and if Baptists are what make me feel comfortable, it's cool with me. They're refreshingly different from JWs =)
Congratulations ((((((lilbluekitty))))))!! It is better to live and enjoy life now. Instead of toiling for other men and waiting for the end to start living.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
I am glad you found something that suits you - a good sign that JW-cult-dom is well behind you.
If it works for you and hurts no-one else then I'm happy for you.
Would I be right in guessing that it wasn't the wacky Watchtower theology that caused you to leave but rather the lack of genuine love? I only ask because while it seems that theology is uniformally wacky across the Christian spectrum there does seem to be a huge variation in the amount of love, warmth and community spirit offered by various churches and denominations.
Is THAT the most important thing? Is anyone attracted by doctrine anymore?
Excellent... as long as it doesn't control you and it makes you happy, why the heck not? Congratulations!!!