JW net ....We all have something in common.

by snare&racket 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    I talk to JW's, I talk to many religious people. I also spend all day everyday with educated people due to my career. One thing stands out to me for sure, by far the majority of the regular posters here are intelligent and informed. I mean really intelligent and thoroughly informed.

    A coincidence.... ?

    Were you the type to ask questions as a JW? How many here left because it didn't add up and not booted out for having frisky hands (jokes!) ?

    Snare x

  • Rocky_Girl

    That is a funny observation. I suppose that without the sex-related disfellowshippings, the org wouldn't have anyone sitting in the back row, accepting the shunning, and begging to be let back in. It helps maintain the illusion that those who leave want to come back and that shunning helps people quit "bad" habits.

    I am happy to be among those who are smart enough to stay away...

  • N.drew

    I don't have much to compare this forum to, but I think JWN is the best forum for thinking minds.

    I did not ask questions because of what the Bible says of that.

    11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.

    So I just thought it.

    My first question was how does "forsake" mean do not miss a meeting?

    I thought submitting time was a bad idea.

    I believed it was wrong to keep track of the number of witnesses because I knew some witnesses were not authentic.

    I hated the phrase "in the truth" because it's haughty and not discrete.

    I came to realize that the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:2 is not Jesus.

    I wondered why they did not know what "the deeds of the sect of Nicolaus" are. Does anyone know?

    I came to realize that Babylon the Great was not "false religion" because it is much more likely that her "daughters" are false religion.

    (Revelation 17:5)

    I can't remember any more right now.

  • sabastious
    I don't have much to compare this forum to

    I have always been in a forum community since I went out on my own from high school. This is unlike anything on the internet except of course the other EXJW forums which are different flavors of the same wonders.


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Were you the type to ask questions as a JW? How many here left because it didn't add up and not booted out for having frisky hands (jokes!) ?

    As a born-in, I was a sheeple type dub. I kept the ol' joystick in my pants until marriage and believed as I was told. Any minor doubts that crept up were ignored.

    In 2005, while highlighting studying to sub for our conductor at a Daniel's Prophecy bookstudy, I cracked an encyclopedia to get a little clarification on Nebuchadnezzar and surrounding kings' reigns. I got a rude awakening when I found the 20 year discrepancy and put together that the WT was using shoddy proprietary chronology to support 1914. I reached that conclusion on my own but later Googled it and read up on the correspondence between Carl Olof Jonsson and the Society. That tipped my first domino.

    Just a couple months prior to that, I played the role of Timothy in a shitty DC drama. (Complete with my own shitty acting.) Five years later, m'lady and I were DF'd on charges of apostasy. It was pure thoughtcrime, nothing else.

  • unshackled

    I played the role of Timothy in a shitty DC drama. (Complete with my own shitty acting.)

    Cheez...please, please tell me we can find this virtuoso performance on YouTube.

  • NomadSoul

    Yeah Timmy, show us what you got.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Better yet, I don't meet too many highly intelligent witlesses. (The only one's I've met don't last long, or stop believing soon after joining and linger for various reasons i.e. association with family, fear of shunning and so on.)

  • Flat_Accent

    It was just a fluke for me, really. I was getting ready to commit myself to being a JW, and I saved myself, just by looking past the dogma.

    I think if a witness just has the chutzpah to take off the blinders and do some research of his or her own, they'll see the truth, they don't need to necessarily be intelligent. Maybe there's such an astounding amount of ignorance in the religion, when we see someone making logical arguments it can come as a surprise xD (no offense to any of our smart members here).

    I wouldn't be surprised though, if many of the folks who really know what they're talking about, only began learning after they left the borg.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Shack & Nomad, I've got a a couple of Hi8 tapes somewhere out there labeled 2005 DC Drama. I'd convert and share them but I really can't risk an Oscar nomination right now.


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