Vehicle registration laws in your state, especially western states

by badseed 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Washington state pretty much says give us your money and GO! You can be billowing black smoke and spraying gas all over the road, but if you've paid their fees, you're cleared for take off.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Illinois charges $99 per year for registration, there are no safety inspections or smog tests required at the state level. I don't know about Chicago requirements. I pay about $400 per year per vehicle for car insurance. Gas today is $3.70 per gallon.

  • TOTH

    I JUSt did the reg on my wife's Envoy today. The service tech that performed the smog inspection told me that beginning next year any vehicle that is newer than 2001 will not get the probe in the tailpipe test again. They will do a visual inspection to make sure the equipment is in order AND they still have to connect to the computer, so the costs will be less in the future.

  • maksym

    In Idaho, where I live:

    No emmission check

    No smog check

    No proof of insurance needed but you must sign a form saying you will carry it.

    Fees are very low.

    I paid 60 U.S. dollars for two years of registration.

    Operating licenses are issued on four and eight year basis. Costs 66 U.S. dollars for 8 years before renewal.

    Idaho is a great western state for low taxes

  • Tater-T

    I live in Idaho too .. ada and canyon counties have emmissions .. where are you in the state... maksym

    prior canyon county didn't .. but now they do it is twenty minutes away and there is no visible gaps anymore between the two, and everyone in canyon county drives into boise to work.. so it was much needed... the air quality still isn't great here at times

    registration has gone up quite a bit recently too..


  • maksym

    Hey Tater-T,

    I live in Kootenai county. Way up north close to Canada. In fact I'm pretty sure all the northern counties are basically the same in requirements.

    No emmision checks or safety checks are required here.

    I've lived in other western states and I can say that Idaho is one of the least restrictive and lowest cost in my experience. But you are right the fees seem to be creeping up.

    I plan on getting that 8 year operator license this year. Even though it is 66 dollars I'll stave off the fees if they creep up in that 8 years, besides the fishing and hunting is excellent here and I want to buy a license for that which requires Idaho residency. That should save money too.

    Air quality here is excellent.

  • Tater-T

    hey nice to meet a fellow Idahoan on here...

  • Scott77


    If you want the answer, please go to the DMV or department of Motor Vehicle of each state website. All registration information are posted there. Many states such as New York state, have gone extra miles to make their website user friendly. All the information you need are posted there.


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