what is/are your regrets? do u wish that you'd have pursued something or dealt differently with a situation?
Tell me---We all have regrets about being in the organisation,what's yours?
by MsGrowingGirl20 34 Replies latest forum tech-support
Hello MSg20 good to hear from you!
Regrets? Oh yes, plenty. I was a sister for 21 years. Brought up 4 sons in the "truth". Gave the best years of my young womanhood to pioneering and bringing up my children in obedience to the Org.(BIG regret). Didn't get an education nor encouraged my sons to get one (frowned upon). Worked menial cleaning jobs and lived under deep stress and constant guilt. Never felt as if I was doing enough, never felt worthy, never, ever felt good enough.
When you allow yourself to be controlled and manouvered in every aspect of your life,you end up never growing up. You remain a child, afraid to make informed adult choices on the important things incase you displease your "parent", the Society.
Thankfully, at the age of 42 I left, and I can honestly say that I've grown up more in the last 4 years than I ever did in the previous 21.
"But then again, too few to mention."
wha happened?
Walking from a business back in 1988 because I wanted to pioneer.
Stopped going to school
the list goes on
What are your regrets MSgg20?
Luckily never sacrificed anything important to the org. Went to college, had worldly friends, did it my way.
What I regret is the enormous waste of time in past, present and future. And the impossibility to tell my "brothers and sisters" and even my family what I really think.
AK - Jeff
Tons - but I don't dwell on them much these days.
- Turned down business opportunities and promotions [several] in order to pioneer, be spiritual, etc.
- Did not learn critical thinking and skepticism until I was 50 - missed lots of opportunities to understand our species and our REAL history until later in life
- Made tons of 'friends' who were assholes in the end
- Was convinced that Biblical Christianity was the 'truth' [and the JW version particularly]. If not for religion being shoved down my throat, blocking all other visibility - I would have long ago known it was all delusion and who knows what direction I would have gone
But I am a happy, satisfied, atheist now. So all is well that ends well I suppose.
Most regrets are minor things that are easily overlooked but I think the one main one was that I didn't go to college. Even in high school, I knew what I would be if I could have gone to college and tried to figure a way to do it, despite not being able to go. But the particular field I was interested in required 4 years of school and then internship. As a JW, and with JW parents that crushed any ideas of higher education, it was a dream that I would never attain. To this day, I sometimes wonder where I would have been had I been able to pursue that career instead of settling for what I became. But even still, it's not been bad and I deal with it as it is.
I took my children in there, believing it was the best future I could give them. The org takes away all family tradiitons and unity that would be linked to Xmas and Birthdays etc, as well as placing itself ahead of family loyalty. Once you throw a bad marriage into that mix it's even more lethal
The losses and have been shocking. Regrets? Too many to list.
Loz x
Venetian,i have regrets. I put the friends over my own family esp my own mother because she wasn't in the truth...i all but abandoned everybody else in my life...But you know what, my biggest regret is forgetting how to think!