My youngest son is now in college and while he has always had an extraordinary ability to call it like it is, he is now even more likely to mouth off. He is honing his deductive reasoning and objective thinking skills very nicely and with his "don't give a shit attitude" when it comes to pointing out hypocrisy, well he is just a walking bs caller...ESPECIALLY around the jw's.
So we were talking this evening about some stuff that used to be taught in the hall back when I was a kid. No college because young people would NEVER GROW OLD in this system. And I explained how the people the 68 Awake was aimed at are now in their SIXTIES he right away said the wt was Full O' Shit and should be ignored. LOL
I played a video of GB member Franz actually saying the words that the end of 1975 would usher in the destruction of babylon the Great ad the Great tribulation and then by the beginning of 1976 PARADISE would be here. He shook his head and said that it is impossible to understand how anyone still trusts a single word the wt prints.
We also talked about going to the memorial to drink ALL the wine and eat all the ritz crackers. But we decided that we would just be counted as having attended and be part of their stupid INCREASE.
I wish I was twenty again and with HIS strength of voice and reason.