My Son's Wisdom

by TOTH 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    My youngest son is now in college and while he has always had an extraordinary ability to call it like it is, he is now even more likely to mouth off. He is honing his deductive reasoning and objective thinking skills very nicely and with his "don't give a shit attitude" when it comes to pointing out hypocrisy, well he is just a walking bs caller...ESPECIALLY around the jw's.

    So we were talking this evening about some stuff that used to be taught in the hall back when I was a kid. No college because young people would NEVER GROW OLD in this system. And I explained how the people the 68 Awake was aimed at are now in their SIXTIES he right away said the wt was Full O' Shit and should be ignored. LOL

    I played a video of GB member Franz actually saying the words that the end of 1975 would usher in the destruction of babylon the Great ad the Great tribulation and then by the beginning of 1976 PARADISE would be here. He shook his head and said that it is impossible to understand how anyone still trusts a single word the wt prints.

    We also talked about going to the memorial to drink ALL the wine and eat all the ritz crackers. But we decided that we would just be counted as having attended and be part of their stupid INCREASE.

    I wish I was twenty again and with HIS strength of voice and reason.

  • Phizzy

    Similar for me, my youngest said,just at the start of my heavy doubts, "Jehovah is a god made up by men just like all the other gods".

    This from a kid brought up in the JW's to his active JW parents, who both suddenly realised he was right. Bless him.

  • iamwhoiam

    I played a video of GB member Franz actually saying the words that the end of 1975 would usher in the destruction of babylon the Great ad the Great tribulation and then by the beginning of 1976 PARADISE would be here. He shook his head and said that it is impossible to understand how anyone still trusts a single word the wt prints.

    Do you or anyone else have a link to this video?

  • snare&racket

    Hmmm yeah what video? Is that one of those apostate videos where stunt doubles are used and Satans spirit replicates the voice of a GB member, for it was told he can appear as an angel of light, tho he be an angel of darkness...... oooh that would be a cool name for a superhero... the angel of darkness.... he could go around stealing light bulbs.

  • TOTH
  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    My mom tried to tell me the $ociety never said it would "end" in 1975.

    She said "I was there they never said the end would come then, they just precluded that something would happen in 1975."

    I kept quiet because I had just called her out on something else and didn't wan to push my luck, but REALLY!?!?!?!? If she was there, where was she? Obviously not listening or paying attention, HOLY CRAP! You can look back on the CDrom and find this stuff out straight from them.

    Oh how I wish I could I have said "that's not true, they did say it would end and even if they didn't NOTHING HAPPENED, so even their speculation was wrong!"

  • TOTH

    ASS HAT WT...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    the angel of darkness.... he could go around stealing light bulbs.


  • ohiocowboy

    Good job on raising your Son to be a no-nonsense guy! Between saying what he feels, mixed with compassion for others will prove to be a great gift, and he will "Have the world by the balls" as my G-Father would say. I am glad that he was able to readily realize that the WTBTS is a fraud. Between his brain and your guidance, it sounds like he is his own man, and you don't have to worry about him being misled. I am sure that he also appreciates the fact that he can come to you at any time if he has any questions. What a nice Parental-Son relationship!

    Kudos to you and your son!

  • BroMac


    thats a great video. i have never heard this actually said before.

    @55sec Freddy Franz actually says that by the END of 1975 all this will happen:

    The Millenial Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Must Begin in order to fullfil the Final Thousand Years of Gods 7th Creative Day

    The Great Tribulation to occur

    The Destruction of Babylon The Great

    The Anihilation of all the Political Systems of this world

    The Binding of Satan and his Demons and their Abyssing

    To Occur???

    Before this year has ended- this year of Nineteen Hundred And Seventy Five!

    Thats A False Prophet. No Question

    does anybody know when and where was this convention?

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