No my children would come first. If they needed it I would have given permission and hang the consequences.
How many of you would have let your child die over the blood issue?
by UnConfused 16 Replies latest watchtower medical
JWs always remind you of the deep faith Abraham had in being willing to kill his own son for God. Of course, God intervened just in the nick of time. I think the witnesses hold fast hoping He will do the same for them. When this doesn't happen, they console themselves with the scripture that talks about this earthly life not being nearly as important as your hope of a resurrection to eternal life.
It's sad to think one thinks they are required to allow such a thing to prove their love and strong faith. There's something very wrong with that doctrine, imo, and I always knew I could never let my child die for it. Something told me the true Divine One would never require such a thing. I decided if that doctrine was true, I would be the one to lose my everlasting life....not my innocent child. So be it. I would be more than willing to give my life up for my child's. I'll take the bullet any day for one of my kids.
finally awake
I don't know what I would have done. I hope I would have authorized a transfusion when it became clear that it was necessary. I was so caught up in the lie for so many years.
wha happened?
I am so glad no one in my household was tat ill back then. I wouldn't have allowed it. Scary
I will never know. Sinking sets in at the very thought though I left so many years ago. I had 5 children during that time. Thankfully, the issue never came up. But, I cannot forget this insane issue place on me and thousands.
However, that is one of the several very serious issues that clearly shows the power of mind-control of the WTS. That is why, though, having moved on totally, still I have a serious desire of the exposure of the evilness of the WTS.
I knew as soon as I held my baby that there was no way I would ever let him not have a transfusion if that meant saving his life. Before I stopped going to meetings I even told my doctor that I changed my mind about blood and would take it and allow my child to have it even if my husband opposed.
The reasoning that certain blood fractions were ok, but whole blood was not made no sense to me. And the generation change was the last straw that pushed me out the door.
For all those who no longer believe the blood doctrine, make sure you change your information at the hospital and with your doctor.
Band on the Run
Witnesses are fortunate b/c the state intervenes. This not always true in the states. A law student did research and found cases where a minor was permitted to die. My interest is peaked. Their stance on blood reminds me of pagan bull sacrifices throughout the world. Blood has potenecy but what is blood? It is not a life force. The Old Testament scriptural interpretation is so convuluted. I don't believe any Jewish sect abstains from blood. If the great weight of rabbinical authority was to stone people who ate blood, I would understand the strangeness better. Besides, Jesus came with a New Covenant. We are not beholden to the Law. If we can eat pork and mix dairy and meat, blood seems ok.
I don't know why they don't quitely drop the matter. It is so comforting that parents don't have much of a say--in most cases.