I don't care whether god exists or not. I'm not going to change who I am or how I live my life whether or not there is a god (which I highly doubt, but whatever). I don't need the so-called rewards offered in whatever so-called holy book you care to shove in my face to be a good, decent person. I don't need the threat of eternal damnation, hellfire or whatever other horrible things may await described in those same so-called holy books to avoid doing harm to others.
Tell me this Stop The Tears: Why does god need to be worshiped? More to the point, why does god need to be worshiped by poor lil insignificant me? Is god so insecure that he requires the attention and worship of every human being on the planet (but not from animals, birds, or other living things, it seems) that he would single me out for damnation if I don't? Isn't that kind of like mugging a homeless person who has absolutely nothing of value to offer the mugger?
Okay, I'm done. I'm outta here. I temporarily forgot my internet manners against feeding the trolls.