Dropbox is good as is sugarsync and Evernote, I love them and I now regularly use them on the iPad.
Anyone here use a tablet computer
by maksym 56 Replies latest jw friends
Egg, I see I've ruffled your feathers. Look, there's nothing wrong with being a male secretary. Just be glad you have a job in this economy.
Egg: I believe with God's power he was able to perform many miraculous works that none of us today could do more than scoff and doubt that these things actually occurred since none of us were alive then to dispute whether or not they occurred.
Good point! Then I suppose we can't scoff and doubt myths attributed to other god-man hybrids since we weren't there, either, eh? I'm going to make a note of this rule of thumb: Believe all sensational stories of events that you don't personally witness.
Frankly, I couldn't stomach the rest of what you wrote. I reached my bullshit limit for the entire week within a single WT-saturated paragraph and moved on.
SBC: But, FWIW, I regularly peg out an i7 processor and utilize all 12GB of RAM on my main editing computer.
Egg: I don't think what things you have said here are worth anything at all.
Geez, it shouldn't be hard for someone so technologically gifted as you to grasp. I'm just an average user and I get it. The iPad processor clocks in around 1GHz and it comes with a whopping 1GB of RAM. For tasks that are as taxing on the processor and RAM as I mention above, the iPad wouldn't cut it.
Egg: This is just bloviation on your part and I suspect it was for this reason you joined this thread. If you are trying to make it appear to those reading this thread that you are a smart bloke, your efforts here didn't work on me.
Haha, that is fucking rich, coming from you. This thread could've been only read by you and I would've responded the exact same way. You're arrogance brings it out of me.
Egg: You have come off here to me as being rather silly, insecure and immature with a complex that seems to drive you to wanting to prove to others than you're a smart guy or just a guy.
Yes, I desperately want to prove I'm just a guy... whatever it takes to get away from the image of being just a parrot for the WTBTS.
Egg: I'd still regard you as being a silly, insecure and immature individual until you decided to change your behavior.
I've got the Pages app which I find is excellent. I've also got Dropbox and am starting to get the hang of it.
I think you are going to enjoy your new iPad 3 and it could end up replacing your computer for many of the things that you had been using your computer to do.
@SweetBabyCheezits wrote:
But that doesn't mean those two apps are the solution to a much greater issue. Like I said - and I am [completely] sincere about this - if you can suggest a plausible means in which I can resort to an iPad only and still use my trackball for input, dual 24" screens, and the same bandwidth I have when connected to a gigabit ethernet network, and run full versions (not just light apps or viewers) of Autodesk and Adobe Creative Suite software, I'll ditch the desktop and notebook.
@djeggnog wrote:
No one said a thing about using an iPad with Autodesk Inventor or Adobe CS5 or any other software that you might be running on your Windows OS-powered PC.... No one said anything in this thread about trackballs and 24" screens but you.
@SweetBabyCheezits wrote:
But, FWIW, I regularly peg out an i7 processor and utilize all 12GB of RAM on my main editing computer.
@djeggnog wrote:
I don't think what things you have said here are worth anything at all. This is just bloviation on your part and I suspect it was for this reason you joined this thread.
@SweetBabyCheezits wrote:
Geez, it shouldn't be hard for someone so technologically gifted as you to grasp. I'm just an average user and I get it. The iPad processor clocks in around 1GHz and it comes with a whopping 1GB of RAM. For tasks that are as taxing on the processor and RAM as I mention above, the iPad wouldn't cut it.
No one but you has been comparing the speed of the iPad processor or the amount of memory in the iPad with what you would find in Windows or Mac box. You decided that you would become @moshe's translator, but I don't believe he had in mind at all Autodesk Inventor or Adobe CS5 as you claim, nor that he could have had in mind your love of the trackball. No one here even suggested that the iPad would run apps like Autodesk Inventor or Adobe CS5 either, so this was a strawman.
@djeggnog wrote:
If you are trying to make it appear to those reading this thread that you are a smart bloke, your efforts here didn't work on me. You have come off here to me as being rather silly, insecure and immature with a complex that seems to drive you to wanting to prove to others than you're a smart guy or just a guy.
@SweetBabyCheezits wrote:
Egg, I see I've ruffled your feathers. Look, there's nothing wrong with being a male secretary. Just be glad you have a job in this economy.
Now how do you suppose you "ruffled" me? I cannot take any of the things you said here seriously. If you see all male attorneys and male LDAs as being male secretaries, so what? This won't change the fact that after you joined this thread you outted yourself as having a complex about your maleness, an insecurity of some sort about who you are as a person, and that's just too bad. This thread is not about you nor is it about pitting the power of the iPad against the power of a Windows PC or the fact that you cannot use your trackball with an iPad; at least the OP -- @maksyn -- wasn't talking about such things when he started this thread.
The OP made an inquiry about tablets, like the iPad, and he also asked about "cloud" computing in connection with the use of such devices. When you chimed in, you indicated that you use the iPad to read books. An iPad user herself, @mrsjones5 expanded this discussion in pointing out a few of the things she found disconcerting about the iPad, that it didn't support flash and her problem using the iPad to embed links in her posts here on JWN, which was eclipsed by what @moshe ignorantly opined regarding the improbability of anyone using tablets like the iPad to do any "serious work" that, according to @moshe, must be done on "a PC or a laptop."
This is when you chimed back into the thread as a kind of "translator" for @moshe to explain to me how "maybe" by @moshe's use of the phrase, "serious work," you thought he had in mind the "heavy lifting" that desktop PCs, notebook PCs or Macs must do to run "full-featured versions" of Autodesk Inventor and Adobe CS5. Really?!? Did you really expect me to believe this to be the reason @moshe absurdly decried how it wasn't possible to do any "serious work" on tablets, because he knew it wasn't possible to run "full-featured versions" of Autodesk Inventor and Adobe CS5 on a tablet, like the iPad? Yes, you did, because you never really learned how to think; you just bloviate and hope that others here will think what things you say are important or will impress others to think you are important enough. Whatever.
Then you began name-calling, prompting me to ask you to explain to me what it was you meant by "douchebaggery" (which you never answered), after which you then went on to attack me for continuing to believe "crazy JW [doctrines]," when, in this thread, we were discussing the iPad, and not what you thought my religious beliefs to be.
Even though this attack of yours was totally unwarranted, I admit that I reflexively did ask you to provide an example of one such "crazy JW doctrine" that I espouse and you provided two (2) examples: (1) A 2,000-year-old Jew named Jesus that was a miracle worker that had manifested the ability to walk on water, who rose from the dead, and (2) how Jesus directed the Society to redefine the word "generation" to suit their own purposes. Personally, I don't recognize either of these things as doctrines taught by Jehovah's Witnesses, nor do I espouse either of them.
This attack of yours actually derailed this thread because it was off-topic, but I responded to what you characterized as a "crazy JW doctrine" to explain how Jehovah's Witnesses since 2010 would now interpret the word "generation" used at Matthew 24:34.
If any of you should regard me as your enemy just because I may have different religious beliefs than you have, then I am your enemy, but this fact won't make any of you here my enemy.
Funny how an obsequious WT stooge thinks they can have a secret online fellowship with enemies of the WT leadership and not have it eventually rub off on them.
I take back the earlier compliment - Eggy is still an idiot.
Bungi Bill
He may sound impressive, but - as always with him - watch out for the "Baffle with Bull$*#t if you can't Blind with Science" factor!
Whispers of Consultant-Speak appear here, to:
i.e. Value of report is in direct proportion to the number of words used, giving new meaning to the term "Verbal Diarrhea"!
I have a small android tablet. Since I still go to meetings I found luging a briefcase around tiresome. Since the NWT, Watchtower, Jeremiah Book and Song book arwe on the tablet I only carry the tablet to the hall.