Aboriginal Australians Aren't Black?!

by Philadelphia Ponos 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    People from all over the world can settle in Australia now. Do we now call those people invaders? No

    Unless you're Muslim and arrive by boat.

  • doofdaddy

    They didnt invade with military force

    ...was speared in the shoulder and told his soldiers not to fire on the natives.

    Barry is looking like a troll. Surely you realise that Australia's first settlement was a penal colony, the rum rebellion was over soldiers being paid in rum rather than wages. Force was clearly used by the miltary when the "natives" stood up and fought for their land.

    What really is your point Barry?

  • barry

    doofdaddy, No the aboriginal people didn't fight for their land. Aboriginal beleif states they don't own land, "the land owns them".

    My point is you should stick to the facts. The english didn't invade Australia. The English established a penal colony here.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    All this talk of Aborigines just makes me think of Jenny Agutter.......


  • barry

    I've never accused someone of being a troll. Maybe you should just accept the fact that other people have a different opinion to you and have thought about what they say. I may be wrong and I would admit it. You know a smart person can change his mind but a fool never. Barry

  • slimboyfat

    My impression is that the term "black" is most often used for people from sub-Saharan Africa or for decendents of people who were displaced or migrated from sub-Saharan Africa in the wake of the colonial period. The original poster on the thread seems to be using the word 'black' as a catch-all term for people who simply don't look like white Europeans, which is a pretty ignorant use of the word. It presumes that white European is the primary category of human being, and everyone else is defined as other (black) in relation to that category, a perspective that is neither enlightened nor enlightening. Human beings come in many varieties, not just, or not even, black and white.

  • barry

    Philidelphia Ponos, I never said the Australian natives had any european blood. I said they were closest to the caucasian race rather than the other two. I beleive anthrapologists say they are a very ancient race also.

    It's also a fact when aboriginals breed with whites the progeny becomes more caurcasian. With any negroid ancestry of a white couple could produce black offspring.

    Im not saying that it should be a problem or making any type of racist judgement here I'm only talking about genitics.

    It only makes our world more interesting with such beautiful diversity. No one would like th eflowers to be all the same colour.

    May I remind the author of this thread that all Indians from India are caucasian regardless of there skin colour be it light or very dark.


  • jwfacts

    I never realised that Africans had a monopoly on the term black. I have met numerous aboriginals that were far darker than many African races. They refer to themselves as "black fellas".

  • N.drew

    There is something in the air, Jehovah's Witnesses have it real bad. It causes people to lack the power to say hey I might be wrong. I'm talking to BP not PP. I agree with Phil. It is likely they came from Africa through Asia.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'm talking to BP not PP. I agree with Phil. It is likely they came from Africa through Asia.

    I think you have your Ps mixed up.

    I (BP) said that the Aborigines came from Africa via Asia. That's why they're classed as Caucasian (look it up, it doesn't just mean blue-eyed blondes).

    Phil seems to think Caucasian only means blue-eyed blondes and that's why s/he's getting confused. Like you are.

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