Why? Because 666 * 19 = 12654 (it's also a 7% increase)
11988 would be even funnier, as it is 666 * 18 - 18 is three 6's ( 6 * 3), but the increase is not as much.
by AK - Jeff 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why? Because 666 * 19 = 12654 (it's also a 7% increase)
11988 would be even funnier, as it is 666 * 18 - 18 is three 6's ( 6 * 3), but the increase is not as much.
Bats in the Belfry's letter has an error in it. An error that the Society would never make--at least not THIS kind of error. The letter states "20th Century," which is a mistake the Society would never make. Thus, the letter is bogus.
We it's a fallacy, can't we have a little fun?
Hey, the WTS will be up to a tribe (12,000). Which one?
13101 is a good number, lucky for some, unlucky for the GB.