I have been running this through my head now and again for decades. Was I truly baptized as a jw?
I ask because although I WAS dunked at a da in El Paso, TX in 1981, I never prayerfully dedicated myself to anyone, including Jah. I simply went through the motions, said yes to the questions and got dunked in the motel swimming pool while wearing an OPEC tee-shirt. I think it read Over Priced Energy Countries or something like that. LOL
I never truly felt connected to anyone but my Mom, Dad, Brother, and Sister. I got baptized so the elders would get off my folks' back and so they would then get off mine. Isn't that ridiculous?
Over the years I was pressured to go to service which I resisted. I was also supposedly being GROOMED to be a ms, but never remember reaching out for such a position. I am 6'2" and in my younger days weighed in at about 235 lbs so I was attendant and parking lot duty material. I enjoyed the parking lot so I "Reported" my obligatory 10 hrs in service and I did aux pioneer when work was slow so I could try to build a relationship with the org. But I only made a couple of nice service buddy's as friends for the duration.
I totally felt WEIRD.
Anyone else been through something like this?