I know that the section on last days is no where close to correct anymore with the 'overlapping generation' change, I am sure there are other discrepancies as well with the book. Shouldn't there be a new version of this coming out (or even better for those of us who are trying to find changes a 'change list' like what was done with the 'Grand Climax' book)?
Reasoning from the scriptures, is there a plan to release a new version?
by insearchoftruth 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Amelia Ashton
I too am surprised there hasn't been an updated version.
Not that I have heard. It was last published in 1985 and revised in 1989 and there are several doctrines that need updating.
Room 215
Amazing, the short "shelf life" of publications supposedly based on the immutable Word of God...
It amazes me that they still use this as the basis for talks in the TMS or at least they did until recently, I have been out a while.
I think it would be fun to go on the platform and present say, the generation thing, as it is in the book, with no reference to any updates, after all , you are not supposed to go off script.
You would have to endure some smart ass counsel about "keeping up with god's chariot" or some such nonsense, but it would be great to show the silliness of their lack of an update, as presumably this is what is used to present doctrine in the DtoD work.
Perhaps they will provide little sticky in bits, like they did with the Revelation is a Joke book, or whatever the title is. Eventually the whole "Reasoning" book would consist of pasted in bits, the speed with which their "truth" changes.
Just an aside, I think the title of the book is very revealing, it is not "Reasoning with the Scriptures" but "on" , showing that it is simply their interpretation.
the generation thing, as it is in the book, with no reference to any updates, after all , you are not supposed to go off script.
I will need to read the generation article in reasoning, the last days is really damning to them since it speaks about how 'close to the end' we are..........yep, the unchanging word of God, ever changed by the WTS. -
Ezekiel's Wheel is a Michelin Sport AS Plus
It is by far the oldest "current" book they use. Aside from the doctrinal flip-flops noted above, it is full of quotations from the 70's & 80's. Pretty tough to use in this age of "that's so 29 seconds ago".
Each year that passes I am more and more surprised that they have not updated it.
I have the impression that it is a sort of political "hot potato", and that the various factions & groups can't come to an accord on how certain sections should be worded. Wasn't the new song book bounced back & forth several years prior to its release?
"Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all the things foretold will occur, including the “great tribulation” in which the present wicked world will end." Reasoning from the Scriptures p.97
Amelia Ashton
I remember being told it wouldn't be late nor would we be waiting until there was only a handful left who made into their 90s