On JWN .. are you a teacher or student ?

by caliber 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding
    I know I have learned and gained much insight into many things here.. but most often fail to make acknowledgement... not sure why I guess I hate for a person to feel I am flattering them or kissing up

    Why not acknowledge via PM, telling the person specifically how they have helped you?

  • caliber
    Why not acknowledge via PM, telling the person specifically how they have helped you? ~~~Ding

    This is good advice.... I think I fail because of the hurt suffered over the years in becoming to close to

    people at the KH... I share knowledge but withhold personal feelings ... I am sorry.. I regret this overguarded flaw in me

    and but even now feel exposed & vulnerable in sharing it with you !

  • Phizzy

    I hope I will be forever the student in life, and on here, I just love learning new things. I do not mind giving praise, perhaps I do not do it often enough.

    Because of a good measure of experience in life, both as a JW and as one who has left, I may be able to impart the odd bit of knowledge or expertise, but I do not look upon myself as a teacher.

    Since leaving the WT I have learned not just facts, but how to learn, how to evaluate knowledge, how to reason using Critical Thinking, how to spot a false argument and yet, how ignorant I still am in many areas.

    Most of this I learned from here, the University of JWN, Professor Leolaia being a favourite tutor. Jwners have given me pointers where to go to learn more, most helpful !

    Thank you all, very much !

  • maninthemiddle

    Yknot is also our librarian, faithful and discreet, I might add.

  • stuckinamovement

    Student definitely.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Definitely another student here. The day I stop learning from this forum is the day I will leave.

  • mrsjones5

    Student. I'm always open to learning and taking in knowledge.

  • NomadSoul


  • slimboyfat

    I think Leolaia is the teacher and the rest of us are the students.

    Narkissos was the headmaster but has apparently vacated the position.

    He's on a beach somewhere having fun playing in the sand.

    Although clearly that doesn't do justice to the many others who write informative posts on important topics like Doug Mason, AnnOMaly, Marvin Shilmer and others.

  • talesin

    Eternal student.

    Caliber, what an excellent and humble OP. I admire you for that!

    A lesson learned ,,, we are ALL teachers,, we are ALL students.


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