How to get your family out of the JW world.

by Giordano 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    When my husband confessed his doubts to me I was taken aback and it took a while for me to process what he was saying. I had my own doubts but had always held the thought that Jehovah would sort things out in his own time. However the fact I had doubts at all meat that I was probably willing to accept that the organisation was not always right. My husband was a bit relentless in taking every opportunity to diss the organisation and the early history and we would have conversations that got to the point when I had to say I've had enough today just stop.

    He asked me to read Combatting cult mind control and at the end of the book I could accept that the organisation was at the least a high control group although I wasn't prepared to use the Cult word. I then read Crisis of Conscience and no longer thought that the GB were good men who made mistakes but corrupt men who didn't care about the flock and the religion was based on a lie.

    It took time and my husband didn't necessarily use the best techniqies. Had I been an Uber dub then I may have confessed all to the elders early on. It worked for me but not for everyone. What I have learnt is that the person has to be ready to accept the possibility that the organisation is wrong. Unless there is something to build on it is very hard to engage them in conversation of any kind. It is usually a slow process and you need to progress at their pace. Letting them discover information for themselves can be better than telling them what to believe. Asking questions and asking for answers also helps.

    Anyone trying to get family members out remember time is on your side there is no judgement day and imminent destruction and things change. Just because someone can't see your point of view today does not mean that they may not have doubts in future.

  • Phizzy

    Good points Nugget, I know that looking back, there were many things that I came across over the years, and many things that were said to me by people in FS, that should have got a response from me, and brought about my exit years before it actually happened.

    The gradual build up peaked when one thing struck me as SO wrong that I started my investigation. Then the House of Cards (each card has a lie on it) fell down.

    I very much believe it is a case of "When the student is ready, the teacher will come", but to make the student ready, it may take a long period of drip drip information, posing questions, throw away remarks etc etc.

    I think the best thing is NEVER be confrontational, and take baby steps, as you say there is no hurry.

    Good luck everyone, we are so blessed with our freedom, if we can free some more, especially our loved ones, from the mind control, it will bless them with a much much better life.

  • steve2

    I'm here should my JW family members ever want to talk to me. My days of planning what to say and how to reach them are well and truly over. I accept them as they are, and I hope that one day my relatives will accept me as I am. But, along with that hope is a determination not to hold my breath and to see myself as much more than an ex-JW on a mission to get family out.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My lot are so badly damaged that they don't give a shit about truth any more.

    They have committed so many foul acts in the name of Jehovah that to admit they worship some nut job's imaginary friend would destroy their fragile delusions of sanity.

  • flipper

    BLACK SHEEP- I hear what you're saying about your family. I think my perception of most of my JW family members is the same way. They've deluded their minds so much- they don't even recognize when they commit unethical atrocities. I don't hold out much hope of them changing, ever. At least my older siblings and older parents

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