HI all
Looks like the Earth is coming to support the Woman and taking the flood of water that the Dragon has disgorged out for the Woman and her seed ( and i am sure by extension the Other Sheep)
by WildeLover 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
HI all
Looks like the Earth is coming to support the Woman and taking the flood of water that the Dragon has disgorged out for the Woman and her seed ( and i am sure by extension the Other Sheep)
A typical grubby little spat among JW's that occurs regularly. Only difference here is their dirty washing pile is being aired in public via the courts . . . who don't want a bar of it. Nothing but self-generated bad publicity here . . . oh the shame!
Deary me . . . What will happen to their reputation as the most morally righteous, god fearing and happy people on earth? (I'm being sarcastic BTW)
Ditto Sizemik! The poor judge!
the wife is disfellowshipped. she also sounds outraged by the injustice of the WTS set up in handling these types of issues.
I guess she left it too late to bring the case to court and did not quantify her damages. Now she is lumbered with his court costs. poor thing.
I hope she has support and if she wants to take it further she is going to need to see a lawyer first.
Looks like the Earth is coming to support the Woman and taking the flood of water that the Dragon has disgorged out for the Woman and her seed ( and i am sure by extension the Other Sheep)
Ya gotta admit, out of context, this sounds like crazy talk.
Then again, even within context, lol
It is encouraging to see how very near this case was to succeding. It is still a powerful weapon in our armoury to threaten individual Elders with a case against them personally for slander if an announcement is made.
Whether you actually go through with bringing the case is achoice for you, but the threat may be enough.
This has worked for some, of course the JW rumour machine does the same thing as an announcement, "oh yes, we would have DA'd him, but he's gone legal", but if things have gone that far, it limits damage, and we have nothing to lose by doing it.
It is encouraging to see how very near this case was to succeding.
Oh, come on! I've got mixed feelings about this case. On the one hand, as I declared in an earlier thread on this very topic, the woman's got balls. On the other hand, you've got to wonder about the lapse in time between the initiating event and its being brought before the court. Years!!!!! It has an obsessive, unbalanced "feel" to it, kind of like the way individuals become overly consumed by the outrageousness of the way they've been treated so they launch into an all-consuming counter attack, hoping to get justice. All sense of proportion is lost. Yawn. No, double yawn.
What a waste of energy and time. I agree with Sizemilk's reflection on the small, grubby nature of the case: It's parochialism at its most narrow and self-focused. Besides, its chief value will be to the local witnesses who will see VICTORY in the woman's lack of success.
As for this hapless woman, first her husband cheats on her, then the Watchtower joins in the cheating game. Double outrage. Honey, if you've learnt one thing, keep away from them religious men...they are nothin' but hypocrites.....
I agree with what you say about this particular, somewhat strange case, Steve.
What I found encouraging was that the judge only threw it out on grounds of being out of time, so, in theory a case brought within limits would have a chance of success, hence we can use the threat of suing to perhaps stop an announcement being made at the K.H
"She then wrote a letter of complaint to the Witnesses branch office in Wicklow and it included photographs of her husband on a weekend break in Galway with the other woman, the judge said.
The branch sent a letter to the appeal committee, which changed its decision and told Ms Moram they "forgave" her."
The author of this article didn't miss this WTF? moment. The branch accepts the error of judgement and advises the appeal committee who don't apologise to the complainant but forgive her !
Oh my goodness...I was there...I saw it all but none of it made sense.
It was one messed up congregaton to say the least.