1914 and Leap Years
by KingDavidwasframed 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I forgot to comment that I wonder if Russel took this into consideration when doing his "Day" math
Nobody tell OBVES...
12 + 59 = 48
35 + 14400 = 666
666 + 48 = 2012!!!!
- Lime
Does this mean Russell's pyramid measurements were off too?
Does this mean Russell's pyramid measurements were off too?
No, he just needs to adjust the measuring tape.
let me just say the wts calculations are 100% spot on, just ask obvez. the problem is of cvourse even though we call this year 2012, the count since christs death is very much wrong. given the calculation was made by dionysus a catholic inspired by satan the father of the lie this is not sdurprising. however a russian scientist has solved this problem. you can google for Formenko, new chronology for more info. there are also lots of ads for his books and dvds on youtube. according to formenko jesus was also an emperor And he died in 1185. if we add 1914 to this date we can see we have another thousand years for christ to return.
i would like to humbnky suggest that the wts buy or license the printing and dustribution of this book. it will clarify the cforruption and lies in our timeline. it also demonstrates the dark ages didnt happen whivh im sure everyone knows to be true.
so ont worry about generation this and thst, everything is smooth!
breakfast of champions
Not that I really care. . .
But if there have been 514 leap years, or days added to the calendar, shouldn't the "real date" be 514 days less than today's date? Like October(?) of 2010?
I don't get why the above is saying we would be in 2013.
But the idea that leap years came into play only after Daniel's prophecy is quite a fly in the ointment as far as counting solar years from 607. . . Another interesting angle to be explored. . .
If they used 365 days in a year that gives a few more years to the calculation.
7 times * 360 should read 7 * 365, it all helps. With that extra 35 years the generation that saw 1914 sorry 1949 is back on track, at least they arent all dead.
7 times * 360 should read 7 * 365, it all helps. With that extra 35 years the generation that saw 1914 sorry 1949 is back on track, at least they arent all dead.
Or use 7 * 365 years from 587 instead of 607, that results in 1969, and they could use the moon landing instead of WW I
They can bugger about with numbers as much as they like, the prophecy, 2520 years, is simply not in the Bible.