At the moment I can't get these books, they are not available as ebooks and I can't risk having them in the house. But I have heard so much about them and how helpful they are that I am just wondering if any who have read them can give some insights they have gained from them that would be useful to know. Thanks in advance.
Steve Hassan's books
by tornapart 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
The first book is definitely a must read. I've started the second book, but it's more slowgoing.
I went from, "Calling the Witnesses a cult is a bit derogatory" to "What else can you call it but a cult?" I had my ex read the section explaining BITE and she said, "I wish it wasn't true. But it is."
As Steven Hassan said, the Achille's Heel of a cult…is other cults. If you can get an adherent to think about other groups, which they will readily criticize, and detail how they practice BITE, letting them draw the comparisons to the Witnesses on their own, then it will be more powerful than anything else you can say.
Thanks Londo.. yes I've read the piece about BITE and it makes a lot of sense to me.
COMBATTING really opened my eyes. I read it before any other books tailored to opening those eyes and it had a more profound effect than Ray Franz's books.
It had nothing to do with JW's and it had everything to do with JW's. That was the best thing I got out of it. While it is controversial about whether the leaders deliberately use cult techniques, it is impossible to miss the connection between a Moonie and a JW publisher. It was so freeing to know that it wasn't me, but it was them. Jolting the mind to sense, I could move toward recovery after this book.
The JW's are bigger than most, but not even a special kind of religion- just another frigging mind-control cult, one focused on their business model.
Steve Hassan's second book " Releasing the bonds- Empowering People to Think For Themselves " was more about how I could help someone else to think for themself now that I did. While I never broke my wife out of WTS, it has helped me to encourage her thinking process. She is less and less addicted to WTS and more and more just a social JW that won't let go for the sake of friends and family. If I ever do get her out, it will have a lot to do with the fact that I read this book.
See if the books are at your public library, order them to come to work or a non-JW family/friend's home. Or just order a bunch of stuff from Amazon and have them in the mix, take a chance that you can slip them into your pile of books without notice.
You may enjoy these nine pages, in the meantime.
Thanks for that LWT.. I'll have a read. And OTWO, that's a good idea to get them from Amazon with some other books. I might try it. :)
With the exception of a 'Recommended Reading' section in the rear of Combatting Cult Mind Control, the book never once mentions Jehovah's Witness. Not until Randy Watters read, and then contacted Steve Hassan directly, did Hassan have any idea that Watchtower was a destructive cult.
Hi tornapart, You can visit Steve Hassan's website at and use the site's search feature to locate additional information.
I read Steve Hassan's "Combatting Cult Mind Control" about a year ago. I wrote the following threads to help other people, who wanted to learn more but were afraid to posses the book:
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Mickey mouse
If you PM me your email address I can send you a PDF of Combatting Cult Mind Control.
I've read them both and found them very helpful and informative, both for my own healing and for trying to develop a strategy for reaching my two sons that are still in.
For my money, the second book, Releasing the Bonds, is better. Hassan was older, more experienced, and more mature when he wrote it. He also explicitly references JWs and issues peculiar to them.
Still, they are both essential reading for anyone that is/was ever a JW or has a loved-one that is in this cult, or any other for that matter.