Watchtower Library 2011

by goddidit 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • goddidit

    I'm not religious but I am a theology student.

    Why does this CD instruct me to close my antivirus program before running the executable?

    Innocent mistake? I can't remember EVER seeing this instruction on a legitimate executable, and I've been using computers for a long, long time.

  • NomadSoul

    Can you provide a screen shot of this message?

  • blond-moment

    There is a lot of discussion re: downloading from the "official" watchtower site, and computer viruses. I haven't heard anything concrete, haven't asked hubby (computer guru) to check into it yet, but I wouldn't put it past them. I could totally see them putting some kind of activity tracker in their stuff, however, at this time it is just coincidence and speculation.

  • NomadSoul

    Blond, I HIGHLY doubt that they've implemented some kind of "activity tracker" in their software.

  • AnnOMaly

    It's probably to do with it being an .exe file that some anti-virus software gets jumpy about. I've never had to disable my (usually freebie) anti-virus before installing the WT library - so far never had a problem.

  • wannabefree

    Programs often tell you to disable antivirus while installing ... at least they used to ... most antivirus in this day can remain running, I didn't disable mine when I installed, some antivius may halt the installation until you okay it to run ... nothing to worry about

  • Caminante

    The "Please disable antivirus software" message is part of the default template of the installer workflow built by Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (the free installer builder produced by the people who brought you Winamp, used by the Watchtower software engineers to build the setup kit for Watchtower Library).

  • dozy

    " I'm not religious but I am a theology student. "

    Forgive my curiosity , but why study theology if you aren't religious , at least to some extent?

    Theology is the systematic and rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies,

  • goddidit


    Thanks for your question but I find it quite surprising. Don't think I am mocking you but it's a bit like asking why a pacifist would be interested in military history.

    I am interested in the world around me, like most people, and that involves history. Religion is an intimate part of the history of humanity and, unfortunately in my view, the present.

    I hope this answers your question and I invite your response.

  • redvip2000

    Someone already said it here, but it's because the installation file has the extension .exe .

    What the developers at the Watchtower society should have done was to build a MSI package which uses the Windows installation engine and thus use a trusted way to install a program.

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