Ecclesiastes 1:4

by therevealer 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • therevealer

    was a scripture referenced on jeopardy to-night. Not exactly supporting the over-lapping generation is it.

  • Larsinger58

    Ecclesiates, Song of Solomon and the Book of Esther are not inspired.

    From "Insight Book"


    Turns out those three books are not actually inspired, likely the basis for them being excluded from cross-quoting!

    You know, just in case anyone gets serious about anything in Ecclesiates needing to make Biblical sense.


  • mP

    ah the song of solomon, or should it be called the erotic adventures of solomon and his sister, because thats what its about. then we have esther the hebrew form of ishtar the pagan goddess. why its included when it never even mentions god jehovah, who knows.

  • GOrwell

    Ah, Jeopardy Bible categories.. always cleaned up on those :)

  • therevealer

    Yaaa!!! but what about the fact that it supports the new over-lapping generation thingy.

    One generation passeth away, and another generation over-lappeth: but the earth abideth for ever.

  • glenster

    It picks up after a couple of chapters

  • AnnOMaly

    Ecclesiates, Song of Solomon and the Book of Esther are not inspired.

    From "Insight Book"


    Lars, you didn't provide a page number for the Insight book reference. Why was that?

    it-1 p. 120 Apocrypha


    The Greek word a·po′kry·phos is used in its original sense in three Bible texts as referring to things "carefully concealed." (Mr 4:22; Lu 8:17; Col 2:3) As applied to writings, it originally referred to those not read publicly, hence "concealed" from others. Later, however, the word took on the meaning of spurious or uncanonical ...

    ... These additional writings are Tobit, Judith, Wisdom (of Solomon), Ecclesiasticus (not Ecclesiastes), Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, supplements to Esther, and three additions to Daniel: The Song of the Three Holy Children, Susanna and the Elders, and The Destruction of Bel and the Dragon. ...

    ... The Apocryphal writings were never included in the Jewish canon of inspired Scriptures and do not form part of it today. ...

    ... Additional ancient testimony. One of the chief external evidences against the canonicity of the Apocrypha is the fact that none of the Christian Bible writers quoted from these books. While this of itself is not conclusive, inasmuch as their writings are also lacking in quotations from a few books recognized as canonical, such as Esther, Ecclesiastes, and The Song of Solomon, yet the fact that not one of the writings of the Apocrypha is quoted even once is certainly significant.

    Naughty messiah!

    Dammit! Why is this all in italics despite me even going to html mode and manually removing all the tags - 3 times!? Urrrrrghhhh!

  • Knowsnothing

    I still can't believe that text is used as support. It says nothing about overlapping generations....

  • Larsinger58

    Thanks, Ann. how sweet of you to include my quote. I just noticed it didn't post. Sometimes cut and pasting can be tricky. Here's the quote I intended to include:

    ... Additional ancient testimony. One of the chief external evidences against the canonicity of the Apocrypha is the fact that none of the Christian Bible writers quoted from these books. While this of itself is not conclusive, inasmuch as their writings are also lacking in quotations from a few books recognized as canonical, such as Esther, Ecclesiastes, and The Song of Solomon, yet the fact that not one of the writings of the Apocrypha is quoted even once is certainly significant.


  • Larsinger58

    The last generation concept is very generic. Christ gives certain signs that would accompany his 2nd coming which would occur during the end times. Daniels mentions tne "end times" so the Christians understood this would be far in the future.

    If we understand that generation beginning with a major world conflict, that is, WWI in 1914, then we are promised that within a generation of that war, that is, 80 years from 1914, the messiah would appear and all the signs would take place.

    The 1914-1994 generation works if you're looking for the correct things. Armageddon is not included in those signs though. Armageddon occurs a short time after the 2nd coming takes place. Per Bible chronology and actual events, the 2nd coming took place in 1992-1993 and that is before the end of the generation of 1914-1994. So while the WTS and others might have the incorrect interpretation and expectations, it does not mean Jesus' prophecy was not fulfilled. It was.

    The GB is now in a God-imposed spiritual darkness, so there will not be much truth coming out of the WTS now. This is the period of Joel's prophecy where inspiration is given by God in a lot of different places and where holy spirit is poured out on many. They have the light, they are light shining stars in the heavens, each with a bit of light. One must search for them to get the new light of understanding.


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