Why America Must Stop Apologizing tTIlam
by Bangalore 106 Replies latest jw friends
Why America Must Stop Apologizing To Islam.
Well that article was silly.
I agree with the title of the article. Apologizing is viewed as an act of weakness by the cultures of the Middle East. Our President is only empowering those who wish us harm.
How is that empowering them? In what was is that giving them power they didn't have?
Does it beg that there are few Islamic moderates or intellectuals to engage with. Obviously that is not the case and we need to reach out to those individuals and groups who want peace and progress.
Band on the Run
this forum is such an eye opener for me. Frankly, I don't often meet such unsophisticated people in my daily life. Apologizing is not being weak. First, I don't view Obama's policy as apoligizing. The Islamic world is broad. Most members are every bit as good and moral as Christians. Seeing the Islamic side is not endorsing it but acknowledging their viewpoint. Many Moslems were murdered on 9/11. Our propaganda will never be effective if we do a Kruschev, banging our shoes on a table and vowing to destroy them. I know many Moslems b/c of where I reside. If people who write such poison would meet individual Moslems, they would soon see our quarrel is not with Islam at all. The Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades are horrible events in Christianity. They do not sum up all of Christianity.
Being savvy and insisting on your own way will not get you far in real life. We can never win the battle against terrorism by military might. It requires politcal negotiation. Our military is strong. Obama has not sequestered the military.
Why is the US automatically equated with God? There is much to be proud of in American history but also much that is deplorable. We don't need ignorant zealots conducting American foreign policy. We need sophisticated, bright people.
The outrageous stuff posted here is almost a form of entertainment. I hold my breath, bracing for the next wave, of ignorant and silly "information." Every person should receive their information from a wide spectrum of viewpoints. Believing your own side's silly propoagana is not education.
Like the crusades and Christianity, Islam is being twisted into a tool to promote violence against the western world. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all pretty much the same religion. I hold nothing against the religion of Islam. It's probably a happier way of life than fundamentalist christianity.
this forum is such an eye opener for me. Frankly, I don't often meet such unsophisticated people in my daily life.
The outrageous stuff posted here is almost a form of entertainment. I hold my breath, bracing for the next wave, of ignorant and silly "information."
Well, Band on the Run - the above is a good reason to suspect that you did not learn any polite manners or humility in all your self-professed education.
Maybe you would be able to communicate better here if you lost the attitude that you are better informed and more sophisticated than everybody here who may happen to disagree with you on one thing or another.
Band on the Run
I don't have the attitude that I am better informed than most people here. Not at all. Everyone has their own interests. I frequently ask people what their viewpoints are. There is a certain consensus about what neutral sources are. Objective facts do exist. What I said is true. I don't ever come across people who believe such things. Indeed, I do come across conservatives whose viewpoint is different from mine. I find there are different modes of emphasis. Objective facts are shared. The interpretation of those facts might be different but many of the posts here are different. First, there is frequently a strong arm way of posting things. This is the absolute truth b/c I say it is the truth. It takes me right back to the KH. Also, I am reminded of the very racist things people said as objective faith during my childhood. Yet most people have since changed this view.
I don't believe the propaganda of the left, either. My education brought me access to much more nuanced and factually correct discussions. Many time when I discuss a subject with someone I respect, I learn a new way of viewing things. I may not endorse it as my view but my view becomes more clear by contrasting it with others. It also may be professional socialization. ACLU and Federalist Society lawyers are welcome and even highly sought after to attend each other events.
Normally, I would not make such strong statements. If someone said I am a conservative, right wing whatever and I believe this, I could respect it easily. Many times I feel that posts are done to be provocative and incite fights. I also wonder why if I read every mainstream account, facts are asserted that no one else beliefs. Dennis Kucinish drove me crazy. My quarrel is clearly not with a political party. If someone slaps me down, I will respond. I am very frustrated with members of both political persuasions posting articles from their niche sources. Most of the time, no personal comments are made. Including a line, such as "I read this and find it interesting. You might be interested. Since I feel the mainstram media is biased, I thought this would balance the picture. There is no dearth of political discussion right now. What I find compelling is how members view events, not some political hack in a backroom who write venom.
No one is going to shove their philosophy on me. If you notice, I never start a politcal thread. People here know what they believe. With Internet access, so many different sources are available. People don't need me to post progressive articles. Google does a much better job. I would never consider pushing my views on you by starting such a thread. Besides, you believe that. I do not. So what. Tone matters.