Well, since my wife is a JW, I've got no choice but to keep JW stuff around. Technically, she would qualify as 'JW stuff' herself, although I suppose she's not one of the "belongings" anymore...[rimshot]
But I still have my old books, I never threw any of them away. I figured they'd still be useful for my various research projects. And they have been. I think if I wasn't married to a JW, I might consider tossing the majority of them, since most of it would be on the Library CD-ROM anyway if I needed to reference something.
I admit sometimes I go back and look at my old stuff, wonder what it would have been like if one simple series of events had not occurred. Wondering if I would have stayed ignorant, though not blissfully so. I guess being unhappy as I was kind of made this moment inevitable, just not all the steps that brought me here...