UK man attempting to sue church

by Mickey mouse 12 Replies latest social current

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I don't rate his chances but interesting anyway:

    Man claims church ruined his chances of playing for Manchester United

    • Former semi-professional sues Baptist church for £10m
    • Believes years spent as 'fervent evangelist' ruined career

    A retired semi-professional footballer is suing the Baptist church for £10m, claiming the 19 years he spent as a "fervent evangelist" ruined his chances of playing for Manchester United.

    According to the London Evening Standard, 46-year-old Arquimedes Nganga, who currently lives in Forest Hill, London, but used to play for a third division side in his native Portugal, quit the sport at the age of 25, two years after he converted to the Baptist faith. He believes he could have earned £20,000 a week, despite never making more than £200 a month playing semi-professionally.

    "I could definitely have had a long career in the Premiership," Nganga said. "I see many players playing today who I am not inferior to – and perhaps even better than. Most midfielders are either defensive or attacking but I was both. I had something new."

    Nganga has filed papers at the high court, accusing the leaders of the Baptist Union of Great Britain of destroying his social life, causing him "psychological harm" and defrauding him of money through compulsory donations.

    The church said it will vigorously contest the claim.

  • cofty

    "I could definitely have had a long career in the Premiership," Nganga said.

    If I had a pound for every amateur player who emails me telling me why he is going to be the next Messi if we can only give him a trial...

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    If it hadn't been for the JWs, I would be playing Quarterback in the NFL.

  • nicolaou

    If I had a pound for every amateur player who emails me telling me why he is going to be the next Messi if we can only give him a trial...

    What am I missing here Cofty? Which club do you work for? Are you a coach?

  • steve2

    If it hadn't been for the Watchtower, I'd be a highly successful businessman raking in millions by now and ready to retire in luxury. Oh, wait a minute, I am a highly successful businessman raking in millions and ready to retire in luxury. File under narcissistic and deluded.

    But in all honesty, the man's actions are a simple reflection of the fact that, if you've got the money, time and commitment, the law may give you your day in court. Besides, it's good to see the good old Baptist church getting a roasting for a change. Even so, I still can't help rolling my eyes....

  • cofty

    What am I missing here Cofty? Which club do you work for? Are you a coach?

    Yes I coach u19 youths at Berwick Rangers - at least I did up 3 months ago when I got ill. The lads play in the Scottish national youth league.

    Hopefully I will be back next season.

  • dozy

    "I could definitely have had a long career in the Premiership," Nganga said. "I see many players playing today who I am not inferior to – and perhaps even better than."

    He must be a season ticket holder at Stamford Bridge.....! Oh - and best wishes for your health, Cofty

  • Chariklo

    If it hadn't been for the Watchtower I would have won the lottery.

  • mP

    At least the man is honest. If he said he would have played for Barca, then i would have called him a liar.

  • Iamallcool

    I would like to sue the Watchtower Society because I was not allowed to play high school sports. I do not know if that is realistic thing to do. I do not think I will sue the WT, I just need to move on with my life.

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