What the devil is capable of

by StopTheTears 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • StopTheTears

    Through the years I and many of my companions have seen quite a few things done by devils that are not specifically mentioned in the
    Bible including things similar to this:

    I received an IM from some unknown source telling me that a crystal ball was going to be delivered in our church building. I demanded to know who was sending the message and where this occult object would be found, but I got no answer.

    Then I searched the building with one of my companions, and sure enough, we found the object on a table near the pulpit of the auditorium. I had just walked by the table moments before we discovered it & it was not there. So I took out my camera and got several video and photo shots of it. It began a strange blood red glow while I was taking pictures of it and I asked my helper, "Where is that red glow coming from?" I turned off the camera and there was that same glow still coming from within the crystal, so it wasn't the small red video cam light that comes on with each recording. What a mystery. But nonetheless, I took the thing downstairs to the workshop and destroyed it with a sledgehammer according to Acts 19 (Christians are to destroy all occult objects). But I did not touch the object with my bare hands. I put on heavy gloves & used channellocks to move it (this according to Joshua: "touch not the unclean thing').

    I believe the red glow of the crystal ball was supernatural because I put things all around it to try to figure out just where the strange light was coming from but it still glowed red despite the covering. I've seen stranger things than this so I can accept the fact that it was supernatural. But explaining how it got into the building to begin with is even harder to figure out. There are eleven people who work in and around this building every day & it would be well nigh impossible for anyone to get into the building without someone knowing about it.

    It became clear to us that our spiritual enemies wanted to use that crystal ball to fascinate us to getting involved in the occult. For years, occult praticioners who know about us do not like the fact that we have converted members of the various cults they belong to and they have tried very hard to bring this ministry down by placing curses or spells upon us. But the Lord has protected us from them repeatedly and the work goes on. We love to win souls from Satan's dark kingdom to Jesus Christ our Lord, but in doing so there is opposition. We have even had our lives threatened by Satanists and witch cults for our work, a work they would very much like to stop.

    There are a few other things along this line I can bring out in later posts.

  • poopsiecakes

    Wow, this seems eerily similar to some playstation games...

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    A dirt devil is capable of vacuuming the stairs. It's really quite impressive.

  • thetrueone

    The human mind is easily susceptible to hallucinations by virtue of visual sight and imagination.

    Sorry , but there are no devils and no gods and there's no spirits. ( good or bad )

    There are certainly many hallucinatory drugs that people consume that make them think what they

    were seeing were indeed supernatural though.

  • ziddina


    Weeping's back!!!

    Here ya go, honey....

    I've linked an old thread that you can identify with....



    Good times... Goooooood times.....

    Zid - the board's She-Devil she devil smiley

  • NewChapter

    Are they sure they didn't inhale some of the dust when they smashed the crystal ball? I'm just saying, you may need to get your lungs exorcised.


  • NewChapter


  • ziddina

    giant rofl At New Chapter!!

    Crap, I missed our session last night!!!

    Are you free tonight????

  • wannabefree

    I kept reading expecting to come to a punch line ... I may have missed it.

  • NewChapter

    Crap, I missed our session last night!!!

    ME TOO! But I was at a friends playing cars and worshipping Satan. But I'm absolutely available tonight! Yayyyyy



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