Fredrick Franz had a horrible personality!!
by Witness 007 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well said!
Could it be that his horrible personality drove him to destroy perhaps unknowingly the very thing he loved - the WTS. We see the same thing with Hitler, an idiot but he belived he was helping Germany and in the end couldnt see his ideas were actally the downfall and destruction of Germany.
While his material was of interest, it was pure rubbish. As a work of fiction, it might have been worth something as entertainment. As reality, it is rubbish.
His lovely nephew Ray, attests to the truth of the thread title. It has been suggested on here that Mad Freddie may have been somewhere on the Autistic spectrum, but that does not entirely excuse his behaviour or explain his bat-shit crazy doctrines.
I wonder, why did Raymond Franz write uncle Freddy a letter and was hoping for a reply?
Odd and eccentric. I saw the same phenom visiting an Abbey a few months ago. Fred had a free meal ticket from the 1920s on complete with maid service. After 1935 the Rank and File became afraid to question the Anointed, from then on he became King of Brooklyn Abbey.
Room 215
I wouldn't describe his personality as "horrible;" he was eccentric, absent-minded, suprficially rather amiable and approachable, with a self-deprecating sense of humor... all that changed in an instant upon any challenge to his opinions on any subject relating to WT dogma.
horrible .... synonyms
terrible,awful,appalling,frightful;hideous,, ghastly, shocking, revolting, repulsive,horrid,horrendous,horrifying,repellent
Wouldn't these words better decribe someone more like "The Humpback of Notredame " ? ...... just sayin '
Some relevant headings from GTJ Brooklyn
assuming Franz was significant in Knorr's decisions H. Knorr
If Jerusalem won't come to Fred Franz, then Fred Franz will move Jerusalem
Satanic birthday cupcakes
Satanic Christian charity
Satanic efforts for human rights
Satanic fellowshipping
JWs leaders tell followers to stop worshipping their created Jesus
Satanic fellowshipping with the disfellowshipped
Jesus was blown up
Satanic personality--as in "practically any"
1919 starts to take on the present JWs leaders' definition
Satanic Chubby
Satanic higher education
Satanic worship of Apollo 11
The beginning of control by the Governing Body
Frederick W. Franz
Satanic sand the floor, wax on--wax off, paint the fence
Dowsing for evidence
Signs of The End
Satanic birthday cupcakes, Christmas trees, etc.
Satanic higher ed. is for selfish gain and deprives JWs leaders of the
results of JWs' literature sales time