I noted in a thread on Kingdom Hall remodelling that some mentioned that a call for donations of gold jewellery was made from the platform. Since this sounds like something that would have been presented by a part on the Service Meeting and therefore noted in the Kingdom Ministry schedule, can anyone recall the specifics of this? If so, how recently? I've been associated for more than 50 years and this is news to me.
WT Seeking Donations Of Gold: News To Me... When and Where?
by Room 215 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
That's how they built the Assemby Hall in Ajalvir, Spain (before selling it for a fat profit recently)... the WT even blatantly admits that poor Spanish kids sold their toys so that this assembly hall could be built (because the GB had no intention of spending one red cent for this hall)...
Room 215
Thanks, Alfred, that I remember (mentioned in a 1983 Awake! magazine, I believe). I was referring to a more recent request, reportedly here in the U.S. as I understand it.
The WT has probably come to the conclusion that Gold is a safer investment than the mighty $, they are probably swapping dollars at this instant for prescious metals. Safer than currency.
"Give us your gold, we know what to do with it, we are the sacred Governing Body, and the wisest guys on the planet, trust us, everything we have said in the past has turned out for your good has it not ?"
St George of England
There was a special brochure produced entitled " Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide."
I cannot find my copy at present but maybe someone can locate a copy, perhaps it's in there.
They didn't say they were seeking donations of gold. They gave us a procedure to go by if we wanted to donate gold. It was in October or November when we went over the donation arrangements. Some people wanted to donate stocks, bonds, deeds, gold and jewelry (wills and trusts). They spent most of the part discussing gold and what we should do if we wanted to send it to the society. It's nothing new...it's just entertaining how they spent most of the part talking about gold when it happens to be the most valuable metal right now.
They follow the money..and China!
It's all about the money!Quote:"Well, there seem to be four primary theories for why China is buying up so much gold right now.
#1 A Hedge Against Inflation
Already we are starting to see some very serious inflation in China. In particular, food inflation threatens to spiral out of control. In an inflationary environment, gold is always a good investment.
#2 An Alternative To U.S. Treasuries
Over the past decade, China has invested very, very heavily in U.S. Treasuries. In fact, the U.S. government owes China nearly a trillion dollars at this point. However, over the last year or two China has dramatically slowed down their purchases of U.S. Treasuries and they have been actively seeking out alternative investments. Gold has always been a very safe investment, and with the world financial system so unstable right now it makes a lot of sense to invest in gold.
#3 A Lack Of Faith In Paper Currencies
Over the past decade, China has accumulated a gigantic pile of foreign exchange reserves, but lately paper currencies such as the euro and the U.S. dollar have become increasingly unstable. The European sovereign debt crisis threatens to collapse the euro at any moment. Quantitative easing 2 and the tax cut deal that Barack Obama and the Republicans are trying to push through Congress are causing the rest of the globe to lose a tremendous amount of faith in the U.S. dollar. In this type of environment, holding paper currencies has become much less attractive.
#4 Preparing For The Coming Financial Collapse
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that we are living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world and that at some point the world financial system is going to crash. When that happens, the safest place to be will be in precious metals and other commodities. The Chinese have been busy gobbling up gold, silver and many other commodities, and so whether they mean to or not, they are positioning themselves to weather the coming financial storm better than most other nations.
Once again, it is always hard to tell exactly what China is doing. Perhaps in six months or a year China will change course again. But right now China is gobbling up huge amounts of gold, and if this continues it is going to create a huge imbalance in global financial markets.
In fact, if all of this Chinese gold buying goes on long enough, it could blow out many of those who are holding significant short positions in gold.
But it is not just the Chinese government that has caught "gold fever" these days" (End of Quote.).
This is the kingdom/organization song by GB & staff behind the 'curtain:'
Found Sheep
I remember those talks. About once a year on all the different ways you could donate to the WBTS