the future of the WTBTS
by robB 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Blank post.
Maybe that is the future of the WTBT$, nothingness.
I sure hope so.
Install IE 9 and lose your ability to submit data at Proof that Gates is in cohoots with the GB to control your mind. Ha ha. Well I have that fixed now.
I suspect the WT will quietly dump all of the 1914 stuff, the blood stuff and all of the other exteme views. It seems to me that the strategy from the beginning has been to build on antagonism. Like Hitler using the Jews. Now that they are big enough, they can dump the looney stuff and still keep many of their millions of believers.
Black Sheep
If they lose their loony stuff, they'll lose the incentives/fears the R&F need to keep them from defecting to Christendom.
The history of sects is one of survive or shrink.
Look at the religious groups that were once widely outside the mainstream that are now pretty mainstream, if not boring:
Baptists (hard to beleive members of this lily-white religion were once hunteed down and persecuted for speaking out against the big Protestant and Catholic groups of the day);
Seventh-Day Adventists (perhaps the most successful transformers ever, members of this once fiercely outspoken group now go out of their way toshow how non-threatening they are. The have become blander than Walt Disney's elves but not as cute);
and in the current race to prove they are non-threatening and very palatable to the American right, The Mormons. Way to go Romney.
Give the JWs a few more decades and it will be a case of adapt or fade away. A drowning man goes with instinct not reason.
RoBb is right.
the future of the WTBTS is blank.
wts will always have crazy shit, because that's what makes them "different." WTS has no future but GB already build themselves new better living quarters than Booklyn had so they can retire without worries. JWs are only as good as the last dollar they put in towards www - oh ya, and the last hour in service.
i think i can confidently say they are in grab as much property as you can phase. it would appear they no longer trust semi independent ownership of kh. if they ever disappear or fade, this will be start of the end.
If they go mainstream, even in only small ways, what do they have as a selling point ?
Why should Average Joe join their church when he can join vibrant, fun, loving churches, with decent rousing pleasurable music, that actually do something for the community , good works ?
It is their batshit crazy, looney tunes unique doctrines that mark them out as different, if still very inferior, without those they are nothing but one amongst over 20,000 other sects.