Watchtower Career Brochure

by Alfred 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alfred

    Watchtower Careers

    Would you like to have the most fulfilling career available on earth? Consider the great privilege of becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We have many titles and classifications* that you can aspire to as you work towards your salvation. For your convenience, we have listed these in order of superiority starting with the highest rank all the way down to what you are now… a worldly person. For more information, please bring this list to the Kingdom Hall nearest you and any elder will gladly show you where all of these titles may be found in your Bible as well as what they are.

    1. Governing Body Member (anointed MALES only; directed by God)

    2. Corporation President (various corporations worldwide, MALES ONLY)

    3. Bethel Department Overseer (various departments; MALES ONLY)

    4. Branch Overseer (MALES ONLY)

    5. District Overseer (MALES ONLY)

    6. Circuit Overseer (MALES ONLY)

    7. Bethel Elder (MALES ONLY)

    8. Missionary

    9. Elder (MALES ONLY)

    10. Special Pioneer

    11. Bethelite

    12. Regular Pioneer

    13. Auxiliary Pioneer

    14. Ministerial Servant (MALES only)

    15. Baptized Publisher (at this level and above you can lose your family and friends if you sin or disagree with the Watchtower’s teachings)

    16. Unbaptized Publisher

    17. Study

    18. Interested One

    19. Revisit

    20. Worldly person (formerly known as “Goat”)… this is your starting point.

    *Note: all of these 20 theocratic classifications have a second designation depending on your level of “field service” these are

    · Regular : member who consistently reports at least 15 minutes of preaching per month.

    · Irregular : member who has not reported preaching hours in one of the last 3 months.

    · Marked : member who continuously analyses Watchtower information first before accepting it.

    · Inactive : member who has not reported preaching hours in 6 or more months.

    · Dissassociated : member who has submitted a letter of resignation from the corporation. At this point, you drop back down to classification 20 (worldly person) and association with fellow members of the corporation will be kept to an absolute minimum.

    · Disfellowshipped : member who speaks out against the corporation or engages in unethical or sinful behavior.

  • FreeAtLast1914

    Love it!

  • Crisis of Conscience
  • dontplaceliterature

    This information was in a recent OKM from 2011. It was a 4 page insert, I think. Anyone know which month or have a copy?

  • Alfred

  • clearpoison

    Very fine list, but what I think is missing is annointed, I simply do not know where to place it.

    And after insertion of anointed the list should continue

    22. Disfellowshipped

    23. Disassociated

    24. Apostate


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Evil Slave, one of the anointed who have turned apostate?

  • PrincessCynic

    Hmm I might have put auxiliary pioneer under MS especially as now half the cong can be called auxiliary pioneers just by writing 30 hours on their reports.

    And missionary is in the right place if you're referring to the 'special' few who got selected for Gilead but self-assigned 'need-greaters' would come in just above regular pioneers (I know a few who've gone to serve where the need is nicer and actually call themselves missionaries but no one thinks they're anything special.)

    Great chart, I think every study should be given one :smile:

  • HintOfLime

    Pretty good...

    You left out some of the exciting career options though:

    • Microphone Jocky (MALES ONLY)
    • Sound Technician (MALES ONLY)
    • Magazine Administrator (MALES ONLY)
    • Book Administrator (MALES ONLY)
    • Territory Administrator (MALES ONLY)
    • Watchtower Reader (MALES ONLY)
    • Watchtower Conductor (MALES ONLY)
    • ...

    Sexism: God looked and said "It is very good."

    - Lime

  • watson

    All these choices! I'm excited to get started!!


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