If he does feel slighted he's a petty little god indeed.
My son is having a birthday party today
by mrsjones5 32 Replies latest jw friends
Anime movie? Blechh! No wonder the kid didnĀ“t want to come over.
Hey! Anime is cool. I was watching it long before Jr came along. I think maybe the mother thinks anime is demonized but she did let the boy go to a few comic cons.
Yeah, plasma tv is a great gift for a man of ANY age! Barney in HD would be just as good as America's Funniest Home Video's, just as good as a concert!
Mrs. Jones!!!
Hope your son had a very happy birthday!!
And as "No Room For George" suggested... []
"I'm concerned that your son's birthday party was a selfish and idolatrous affair which didn't direct proper due to our Creator. It's quite possible that Jehovah feels slighted by such a gathering. ..." No Room For George
Next time...
Save that ol' sourpuss GeeeeHovah a piece of cake...
That should shut "him" up....
Happy birthday to your son,Mrs Jones.
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. The party went off pretty good. Just a bunch of goofy kids having fun together. No beheadings, no sex orgies, no under age drinking, no one doing any drugs. My son wants to throw another party and I'm seriously leaning towards letting him do it.
Happy birthday. Glad everyone had fun.