When I got home yesterday morning from my Friday run for supplies (have a worker that takes me out every Friday morning), I saw two (older) women knocking at the back door, and asked them if I could help them (knowing EXACTLY who they were,. from the bookbags,, and who else would be wandering around the backyard knocking on the wrong door?) ... the younger one (50's), started her spiel "We are JWs. and have you ever wondered ...." ..... I wanted to say something really 'apostate', but was caught for words, and just said "I am an ex-JW, and you are not welcome here. Please put me on the Do-Not-Call List" -- she gawped at me, obviously not knowing what to say,, and I just said "I know you have a do-not-call list, PUT ME ON IT." I turned my back, and walked up the stairs to my flat.
Honestly,,, I felt bad for her ... and am wondering if she kinda 'recognized' me (I am a carbon-copy of my mom, as far as looks are concerned) ...
It was a VERY awkward moment, and I wish I could have been more prepared ........
It's still difficult, after all these years. And truthfully,,, I hope she didn't feel hurt by my response. :(((