Temporarily, there's confusion until I get the facts straight:
Watchtower's United Nations Association
by Celestial 61 Replies latest watchtower scandals
What are you confused about? The apologist version reads like they are talking to a bunch of two year olds. Obviously it is written by the Watchtower Society, commissioned no doubt. But reading all the propaganda found on that site, you get a picture of some really sick people who are working overtime to, oh if we could only explain away these problems, then maybe, just maybe we might be happy again.
And why can't the Watchtower just come out and print these articles in the pages of the Watchtower? because they are full of lies. Just blatant flagrant untruths. Feel free to examine the heck out of the apoligist writings. anybody with a semester of 9th grade English can see the prtopaganda for what it is. So sad the WT is full of so many cowards that can'y just respond as the Faithful and Discreet Slave on these issues. But the FDS is just a theological concept accordinbg to WT lawyers, so it doesn't exist.
mind blown
Therefore getting membership with YMCA just to use the "pool" would amount to apostasy.
Watctower 1979 that said that being a member of the YMCA would be interfaith. w79 1/1 p31 says, in part:
"In joing the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principles of the organization.He is not simply paying for something he receives, such as when buying things being sold to the public at a store. (Compare 1 Corinthians 8:10; 10:25). Nor is his membership merely an entry pass, as when a person buys a theatre ticket. Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith. Hence, for one of Jehovah's Witnesses to become a member of such a so-called "Christian" association would amount to apostasy."
In connection with the UN-NGO debacle. This argument I use with family and friends that are interested, based on Matt. 24:15 and Mark 13:14. The reasoning follow WT theology:
NWT Matthew 24:15 Therefore, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place , (let the reader use discernment)
NWT Mark 13:14 However, when YOU catch sight ofthe disgusting thing that causes desolation standing where it ought not (let the reader use discernment), then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.
First application:
The disgusting thing causing desolation = Roman army
In a holy place = in the temple area of Jerusalem’s temple
Judea = literal Judea, with Jerusalem as capital
To the mountains = the literal mountains of Israel
Second application:
When you catch sight of = notice, even for a short period of time
The disgusting thing causing desolation = The UN
In a holy place = place of true worship
Where it ought not
Judea = the beautiful land, spiritual paradise of God’s anointed remnant
Begin fleeing
To the mountains = God’s mountain and Jesus’ mountain, more specifically to the valley between the two mountains (Zech. 14:3-5)
The UN stood in the “holy place” for nine years, from 1992-2002. Now is a good time to flee.
Where do we flee to? Read: Zech. 14:3-5. And take note: JWs have joined the UN, they have become part of it. The disgusting thing causing desolation have stood "where it ought not". Prophecy (in Matt. 24:15 and Mark 13:14) has thus been fulfilled.
One cannot flee to God's organization, it has been compromised. The following places you should NOT flee to: The "mountains of Israel" are going to be invaded by Gog (Ezek. 38:8). The "beautiful land" (= the land of the Decoration) is going to be invaded by the King of the North (Dan. 11:41, 45). Jerusalem (= spiritual Jerusalem) is going to be captured (Zech. 13:7, 8; 14:1, 2). The two witnesses are going to be killed by the "beast from the abyss" (= the UN) (Rev. 11:7). Paul said: "Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves, says Jehovah, and quit touching the unclean thing" (cf. Is. 52:11). By consorting with the beast, JWs have placed them on the same level as Babylon the Great (Rev. 18:4). The only place one can flee to is mentioned at Zech. 14:3-5 (for additional reading: Dan. 8:11-14).
Vidqun, as for an inappropriate religious/political connotation, it took me thirty minutes of internet research and an apt comparison of religious and political involvement, considering what most people have been exposed to (what I have been exposed to), to tell different stories.
When it comes to political meddling by religious organizations, you have:
Exhibit A
A DPI application that takes fifteen minutes for a non-government organization (NGO) to fill out, that allows an organization access to scientific, social and political research.
Exhibit B
A much more involved application process that requires two years experience as a DPI NGO and a current political (democratic decision making mechanism) agenda.
United Nations: Civil Society Participation – Application for Consultative Status (ECOSOC)
Among other requirements for obtaining consultative status are the following:
Applying organization's activities must be relevant to the work of ECOSOC;
The NGO must have been in existence (officially registered) for at least 2 years in order to apply;
The NGO must have a democratic decision making mechanism;You have the logistics that bind Exhibit A and B to certain political agendas according to the UN charter. The Watchtower society applied as a member of the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI).
Exhibit C
The political agendas of mainstream Christian organizations that have the intent of transforming western civilization, primarily the United States into a political theocracy.
Christians in Politics - Focus on the Family
Christian Activism
Have you ever wondered why Focus on the Family encourages its friends to be involved in the culture around them as part of their faith? How being involved in biblical citizenship is part of living our lives as “salt and light” to the world around us?
Or have you wondered if it’s even appropriate or legal for Christian beliefs to help shape our government and policies?
Our country offers us many benefits and blessings – and two of those are our Christian heritage and the invitation and duty for “We the People” to be actively involved in our system of government.
Christians and Politics
Laws reflect morals and what's best for our society. As Christians, we have the right, calling and duty to be involved in shaping those policies.
Part of that broad view includes getting involved in government—because government invariably is involved with all of us.Here, you have what most people have been exposed to, the right-wing agenda that dominates mainstream Christianity. Jehovah's Witnesses don't collectively fold into any given democratic political agenda.
mind blown
NGO status is not required in order to access the library.
The DPI NGO I posted above clearly reads: The WTS applied for association with the DPI in 1991 and was granted association1992. By accepting association with DPL, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations
Watchtower was associated with NGO and to become associated required the Watchtower to accept the following:
- that the NGO share the ideals of the UN Charter;
- have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and a proven ability to reach target or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives, policy makers and the business community;
- have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programs about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets, organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting cooperation of the media.
In 2001, the Awake of July 22 discusses the benefits of volunteering for the United Nations and their need for more volunteers.
The Awake! 2000 December 8 devoted a number of pages to discussing the fine efforts of the United Nations. The Awake! 1998 November 22 also devoted several pages to discussion of the United Nations, including praising the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
According to resolution 1996/31 an organization "should attest that it has been in existence for at least two years as at the date of receipt
Applications received between 2 June 2011 and 1 June 2012 will be taken up in the year 2013. (which translates a year to be accepted)
mind blown
"The Bible condemns things such as stealing, idolatry and the misuse of blood, so a Christian could hardly engage in work where he directly promoted such things. Would doing the work so closely link a person with a condemned practice that he would be a clear accomplice? Even a janitor or a receptionist at a blood bank or a plant making only weapons of war is directly linked with work contrary to Gods Word." Watchtower 1982 Jul 15 Box on p.26 Employment Factors to Consider
"No, the UN is not a blessing, even though the religious clergy of Christendom and the rabbis of Jewry pray heaven’s blessing upon that organization. It is really “the image of the wild beast,” the visible political, commercial organization of “the god of this system of things,” Satan the Devil. So the UN will soon be destroyed along with that beastly organization." Watchtower 1984 Sep 15 p.15
Human governments have schemed to form the most brazen and defiant conspiracy against divine rule that has ever existed. (Compare Isaiah 8:11-13.) They have done so, not once, but twice, creating first the League of Nations and then the United Nations." Awake! 1990 Dec 8 p.24
NGO status is not required in order to access the library.
The DPI NGO I posted above clearly reads: The WTS applied for association with the DPI in 1991 and was granted association1992. By accepting association with DPL, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations
Watchtower was associated with NGO and to become associated required the Watchtower to accept the following:
that the NGO share the ideals of the UN Charter;
have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and a proven ability to reach target or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives, policy makers and the business community;
have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programs about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets, organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting cooperation of the media.
In 2001, the Awake of July 22 discusses the benefits of volunteering for the United Nations and their need for more volunteers.
The Awake! 2000 December 8 devoted a number of pages to discussing the fine efforts of the United Nations. The Awake! 1998 November 22 also devoted several pages to discussion of the United Nations, including praising the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
According to the UN library card letter (who ever it's addressed to), the library pass authorizes access to the UN information database independent of an NGO status as of 2002. This was years after the Watchtower society applied for a DPI membership.
When assessing the technicalities of an alleged scandal, you may also want to question the motives involved.
Case in point, I remember the UN caught up in a corrupt scandal in the 1990's.
The Oil-for-Food Programme (OFF), established by the United Nations in 1995 (under UN Security Council Resolution 986) was established with the stated intent to allow Iraq to sell oil on the world market in exchange for food, medicine, and other humanitarian needs for ordinary Iraqi citizens without allowing Iraq to boost its military capabilities.
In addition to criticism of the basic approach, the programme suffered from widespread corruption and abuse. Throughout its existence, the programme was dogged by accusations that some of its profits were unlawfully diverted to the government of Iraq and to UN officials. These accusations were made in many countries, including the US and Norway.Political entities may have self-serving agendas and corrupt elements associated with their organization, but that doesn't mean all aspects of the organization are completely useless in their service to others. There may be corrupt elements to the United States government. This doesn't mean a person can't access or quote from the Library of Congress:
http://www.loc.gov/index.html -
Black Sheep
According to the UN library card letter (who ever it's addressed to), the library pass authorizes access to the UN information database independent of an NGO status as of 2002. This was years after the Watchtower society applied for a DPI membership.
Dana said that "... there has been no change ..." and does not suggest this is "... as of 2002."
mind blown
The letter clearly does not say as of 2002. The inquirey letter was written in 2002 which was about the time the UN/WTS news came out.
Question motives involved? It's Theocratic Principle.
The WTS has many hard line stances on the flock, but when it comes to them? People have been DF'd for less. Maybe the WTS souldn't have blasted them for so many years and instilled in the flock how wicked the UN was.