Still Can't Figure Out Exactly How Rutherford Took Control of the Society

by cognac 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    The "problem" is that the Watchtower Society was "manned" (yes "manned" - the only woman who featured in the early days of the organization got viciously pummeled in writing by her ex-husband, Chuck Russell) by men who obsessively believed in themselves, had grandiose senses of their importance in the Divine scheme of things and who appeared to genuinely believed that the end of the world/system/whatever was so very close that it was not necessary to explicitly and formally arrange for successors in the event of the President's death. I

    It is the stuff of religious groups the world over. Think Roman Catholicism and the behind-the-scenes grapples for power when the Pope was on his death bed. It brings to mind the maxim, "Too heavenly minded to be earthly minded" or, in the case of the Watchtower Society, "too caught up in personal interpretation of Scripture to notice what's happening right under their very noses".

    Rutherford was as much of a religious jerk as the seemingly cuddly Chuck Russell - only Rutherford was undeniably more prepared to be openly ruthless and nasty. Chuck hid his nastiness behind flowery words and woolly denials. His ex-wife certainly saw this daft white-bearded man for what he was: Duplicitous and narcissistic.

  • slimboyfat

    It was MacMillan who helped Rutherford secure control. Without MacMillan's support he couldn't have done it.

  • steve2

    I love the way Rutherford - with the undoubted support of MacMillan - muscled his way to the top then demonized anyone else who dared question his tactics. The demonizing strategy was already evident with Russell's pompous outpourings but was perfected to brilliant effect by Rutherford. If ever a man could effect compliance by sheer verbal abilities it was Rutherford.

    At more than one stage his divisive personality decimated the ranks of the then Bible Students - but he succeeded in sweet talking those who remained by motivating them to get out an advertise, advertise, advertise the king and his kingdom.

    Like a lot of men with business acumen, he knew that you had to hit hard to get compliance. It was like a shakedown - all those not prepared to obey Rutherford left or - more likely - were named and shamed out of the ranks. A few brave souls took Rutherfords to task. I think Olin Moyle was one? But Moyle was mincemeat - despite his assertion to the contrary.

    All those remaining were truly sheeplike ones hungry for God's great truths. Blah. Blah Blah. A battle cry that the Watchtower still reiterates when convenient. I count both sets of my grandparents as having been pathetically sheeplike.

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