I just found it in a drawer that hadnt been opened in years. I got it from my fathers library years ago. It seems there arent many originals around anymore. Does anyone know how much they are worth? I would like to sell it. Do you think I should put it on amazon and ebay? Or should I call the dubsters and ask if they want to buy it back from me or I will go place it with a heavy monetary contributing dub? Reading this book makes me laugh. It has got to be an embarrassment to them. So....... what should I do with it?
I have an original 1920 Millions now living will never die book.
by ko38 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
You have a PM.
Hi ko38,
A current eBay auction of the 1920 "Millions Now Living will Never Die" book is up to $49.95.
The book is not in perfect condition, there are tears on the cover.
Rare! 1920, IBSA , Millions Now Living Will Never Die , Watchtower
The original goes for between $85-$100 average on Ebay whenever they come up. It is a fairly rare book, and because of it's scarcity it has been recently reprinted. The recent reprint is worth very little though.
I have to mention that the author of
"Millions Now Living will Never Die"
actually died 70 years ago!
Thanks for the help. And pm replied scenicviewer. I kinda liberated this book from my dads library after first finding out the truth about the troof. My father was baptised in 74 before the great 75 end of the world. He was an absolute horder of old publications. He had way more that the kh library could dream of. I know he gave a lot of old watchtowers and awakes back to the elders. I remember him saying that they asked him to donate to the library. LOL He still has quite a bit of old literature... but him and I dont talk hardly ever. Here are a couple pics of the book.
Well....... I guess I cant post pics here. The book is near perfect with just about 1 inch of seperation on the lower binding
I have an even rarer July 1920 WT - with an personally underlined study article, "Gospel of the Kingdom"- imagine the excitement in 1920!!
"--warrants us beyond doubt in announcing now to the world the message, "Millions now living will never die"
and they announced a public discourse to be delivered in every part of Christendom by the Pilgrim brethren- "The world has ended- Millions now living will never die".
Rutherford was later quoted in connection to his failed 1925 prediction- "I made an ass of myself",-- in a private conversation, not a public mea culpa.
and JWs think that Jesus picked the WT in 1919 to proclaim this , uhh, error?
Amusing to see information like this, considering Jesus selected the WTS just a year earlier as the best religion on earth at the time!