"Justified" on FX

by Dagney 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    Has anybody been watching this show?

    I started watching this season, (#3), but missed the first two seasons. I caught up on a few episodes over the weekend through iTunes, couldn't find it free anywhere!

    Anyways, really am enjoying it, and think Raylan Givens is one very cool US Marshall. Anybody else?

  • neverscreamagain

    Great show! The first season started kinda slow, but it took off from there. I would watch those first. Currently its probably my second favorite series watching now, Breaking Bad being number 1, IMHO.

  • mrsjones5

    I haven't been watching as much as I like. Raylan is one cool dude and I love Boyd Crowder.

  • Giordano

    Season Two was the best so far....... Raylan Given's was a casual character in a couple of books by Elmore Leonard http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=elmore+Lendon

    It's a watchable show with an interesting main charactor.

  • TOTH

    GREAT SHOW! Timothy Olyphant would not have been my first choice to play Givens. Not that he does a bad job. I like his movies a lot. But I think that Jason Patric does a better Southern gent.

  • truth_b_known

    Justified is one of my favorite shows. What attracted me to it was 1) It's about a Deputy U.S. Marshal and 2) it's not a police drama.

  • Giordano

    Check out Son's of Anarchy http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/originals/soa/ my wife doesn't care for it but my son and I love the show. It is violent but like Breaking Bad, the actors inhabit their roles. There's plenty of dark humor and strange situations. If the Soprano's were a motorcycle gang this is what they would look like. The first couple of seasons are on DVDs.

  • Dagney

    Mrs. Jones!!!!!!!! lolol. Really? Curious, what do you love about him?

    I bought the first two seasons from half.com, last night. Cheaper than Netflix or buying seasons on iTunes. Mrs. Jones, if you want to view them after me, I'd be happy to share with you.

    @Giordano: I can't WAIT to watch Season #2. I understand the woman lead won the Emmy for her performance. I think Timothy Olyphant has great lines, and delivers them simply and masterfully. I will check out the books.

    In one of the episodes I last night recognized good ol Long Beach, CA.

  • Dagney

    @ Giordano: I love Breaking Bad as well. Watched the seasons twice as they replayed. GREAT characters and what a storyline. Yikes!!! Unbelievable ending to last season. Edge of my seat.

    I will check out Sons of Anarchy as well. I tried a few times to watch, but missed a few seasons and had no idea what was going on.

  • mrsjones5

    I love the way the man talks. Gives me the chills.

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