I have started to read Crisis of Consicence. It is mindblowing and upsetting because of the lies I believed.
reading Crisis of Conscience
by d 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What page are you on?
The good stuff begins after page 100.
Keep reading..... eventually you will come to terms with it.
It blew Ray's mind too and he was on the GB...
I am on page 28.
Ruh roh...
"I am on page 28."
Fasten your seatbelt. You're going to need it.
I hope so I have been wanting to read this for 3 yrs already.
Good evening guys: I've read(crises of conscience) and (In search of Christian freedom) even though I faded After 39 years of active brainwashing and a former elder i never thought about researching the BORG until a friend of mine asked me did I know about Raymond Franz. It goes to show you that we never think about investigating because it's ingrained in us by the G.B. to avoid it.
But I'am thankful to my ex bethelite friend that I searched this out. It opened my eyes to what was going on. I found myself standing outside on my deck looking up at the stars and asking JEHOVAH WHY IS THIS GOING ON?
It's going to rip your heart out thinking we had the TRUTH and now it's obvious we do not. Do I still believe in God and his word? Yes,I do. Do I hate the brothers and sisters? No I still care about them, they don't know what's going on. Am I piss with the G.B. damn right they are the blame. They know what's going on and they are perpetrating the LIE.
Do research beyond the books you read and also look at J.W.facts.com. Our brother Ray Franz was a good man. No negativity with him,he just told the truth about what was happening. Thank God for him.
Is CoC really that good? I have a die hard friend in the org. How can I get him to read it?