When Charles Taze Russell, or Judge Rutherford, or Fred Franz published magazines, pamphlets and books about FUTURE matters.....the future they spoke about HAD NOT YET HAPPENED. (Duh.)
Whatever they wrote could well be true. (Well, it COULD!!)
What reasons they gave could be sound ones. (Might be!)
What sources they quoted could have been clear and reliable; their interpretation of them could be correct. (Who knows?)
NOBODY KNEW FOR SURE. Every Jehovah's Witness accepted, believed and obeyed.
There was no way a critic could prove that what the WT Society was predicting about the future was dead wrong because the future is unprovable.
Or, is it? Read on!
If you stood face to face with the Watchtower leaders you could NOT speak with authority and tell them they were wrong or right. Not back then. They were speaking about the future.
Is the FUTURE PROVABLE? Yes............when it comes!
Now we LIVE in that future. The one spoken of by those men!
We can stand FACE to FACE with Fred Franz, Nathan Knorr, Judge Rutherford, Pastor Russell and speak with AUTHORITY because we live in THEIR FUTURE.
We speak TRUTH to their SPECULATION.
Nobody can deny our standing, our foundation our facts BECAUSE they already happened.
So, if we call them out and accuse them of pretentious fear-mongering and lying about their channel from God; WE CANNOT BE WRONG!
But, Watchtower leaders admit when they are wrong AND THEY CHANGE THEIR POSITION!
Being caught in broad daylight and Blurting out you'll do better next time is more the mindset of a serial offender than a true penitent.
If you shit your pants it is no virture to confess and admit it stinks!
Present day Jehovah's Witnesses cannot refute the past. They can only change their position about what they said! (In the Past about the Future)
So...here comes the twist ending. Are you ready?
Apostasy is a changing of one's position. You once stood...HERE.......and now you change to.......HERE instead.
Here is an enormous IRONY:
When the Watchtower changes their position on what they said IN THE PAST about the FUTURE........it is they who become APOSTATE. Provable by anyone!
In effect they are refuting their own leaders of yesteryear by becoming APOSTATE to what Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz taught and forced others to preach!
They are THEIR OWN Apostasy! This is inescapably what NEW LIGHT actually is!
Instead of looking at the "light" as getting brighter and brighter......
the leaders and their channel of Truth in the Past is made Darker and more sinister!