Okay I just have to ask. It seems that this whole "brazin conduct" stuff is just the catch all for the ORG. Now I am new to JWN and have not shadowed the door of a KH for years but REALLY?? what is this. Now I ride a Harley and have tattos, I am mid 50"s professional business owner, look like the neighbor next door. So what threat am I? What is brazin conduct? Will I die at the big A for riding a bike and having tatoo's? Hell we have a wonderful friend who is a former Hells Angel who is one of the most spiritual people we know. Our house mate is DF'ed, and gay. These are our friends and again amazingly in touch with a Higher Power. What do you all think?? Harley bear
tattos, biker, and ??brazin conduct?????
by harleybear 13 Replies latest jw experiences
Black Sheep
Sounds like something to do with friends a fire and beer
Broken Promises
I don't have the link, though I'm others who post after me will, but "brazen conduct" is a term that is in the new Elders handbook that is used as a reason to disfellowship people.
BTW, I'm not a biker chick but you guys sound like fun!
St George of England
Will I die at the big A for riding a bike and having tatoo's?
YES DEFINITELY. Not for riding a bike, just for riding a Harley!!
Must admit however they are becoming popular here in the UK, cannot say too much but I am more of a 'Tutonic' rider.....
What is brazin conduct?
It is a "catch all" for all the things that slipped thru the cracks of previous definitions, particularly in the area of sex. Previous to new Elders Book, pornia was only conduct that could result in immediate disfellowshipping, and that meant actual genital contact. Technology has introduced phone sex, cybersex, etc. Going to strip clubs was one issue that took repeated counsel previously. Thus, the definition and resulting judicial action for "uncleanness" and "loose conduct" have been revised allowing even DFing for 1st brazen offense.
Now, I could see "brazen conduct" applied to someone who ignores Bible Elder's counsel about dating a worldly; posting on apostate websites; and many more.
Black Sheep: Hi the fire is good however I don't drink...what a biker that doesn't drink??? what is the world coming to it must be a sign of the last days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Broken: I would love to get that link and yes we are a lot of fun
George: You godless heathen I suppose you are going to suggest a BMW hell my sewing machine is louder than that
DOC: Does that mean if I call my hubby and talk trash it is phone sex?? Cool
Thanks all for the input. Have a great day.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Yep it's the new catchall.
The elderberries handbook makes it sound like brazen conduct refers to sex, but there are many of us who know they use it for anything THEY don't like.
It’s like the South Park episode where they have to yell, ”it’s comin’ right for us” before they can “legally” shoot/hunt any animal.
The same is true here, all the elderberries have to do is call brazen conduct and now they have “permissible” grounds to come after you.
Yea... catchall is a good word.
My impression of it is similar to Dis-Lamb's... while dubs might think of sexual situations, it's really meant for anything they don't like, and maybe specifically for those that dare question the organization. If they're too obvious in their rebellion or questioning, the elders can deal with them for having a brazen attitude.
wha happened?
they needed something stronger to DF on 1st offense
Showing disresepect for the elders falls under brazen conduct. It is truly a catchall. If they want to get you, and cant get you on anything real, they can fall back on and DF you for, brazen conduct. Isn't that special?