I received the following email written in Spanish through my website, www.watchtowerdocuments.com. I used Google translation, which I posted below the Spanish, but would like someone fluent in Spanish to translate the email accurately. From what I could make out, this information sounds interesting, so I decided to share it. Maybe there is some truth to it or maybe not. We'll just have to wait and see what happens to the WT's property holdings in Brooklyn Heights.
Según un rumor que ha corrido las oficinas de administración la reciente visita a las oficinas de 25 Columbia Heights podían ser los nuevos propietarios del complejo, según \"radio macuto\" teocrática, la Sociedad se queda en alquiler durante cinco años e irá trasladando servicios y oficinas hacia el edificio lateral.
El proyecto es la transformación de las oficinas teocráticas en una zona de apartamentos de lujo, centro comercial y un aparthotel con SPA.
¡Qué gran provisión para todos, ver como la Sociedad gana mucho más dinero para invertirlo en fondos especulativos y así por el estilo!
Google Spanish to English:
According to a rumor that has run the administrative offices of the recent visit to the offices of 25 Columbia Heights could be the new owners of the complex, as \ " grapevine \ " theocratic , the Company is to rent for five years and will be moving services and offices to the building side .
The project is the transformation of the theocratic offices in an area of ??luxury apartments, shopping mall and a residential hotel with SPA.
What a great provision for all, see how the company earns much more money to invest in hedge funds and so on !