I was alerted to Steven Unthanks latest feature article on jwnews.net . . .
It was posted just a few days ago (11th) and explains a number of things some have puzzled over with regard to Australian law, and why things unfolded as they did.
It includes a report compiled by an ex-jw who attended the hearings.
For those that took an interest in the case . . . it might fill in some gaps for you.
It's on the home page and entitled . . . "Criminal Prosecution of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses"
Edit to add: . . . here's an uncomfortable little moment to ponder . . . from the report;
During the court hearing on October 11, legal counsel for the Watchtower Society, Rachel van Witsen, from Vincent Toole Solicitors (the Watchtower Society’s in-house law firm located inside Bethel, Australia) made a statement on behalf of the Watchtower Society that:-
“The faithful and discreet slave is not a legal entity.”
Vincent Toole Solicitors then went on to present arguments that the “faithful and discreet slave” do not exist as a “person” nor do they exist as an “unincorporated body” and nor do they exist as a “body” of Christians.
Literally Vincent Toole Solicitors were arguing that the “faithful and discreet slave” should be struck off the charge list because they simply do not exist. In one broad sweeping statement the Watchtower Society and their in-house legal team completely destroyed the entire fabric and structure of the faith of some 7 million Jehovah’s Witnesses. What next happened goes beyond the wildest imaginings that any Jehovah’s Witness could ever believe was possible.
Steven Unthank stood up, looked around the courtroom, and then actually defended the “faithful and discreet slave” and the beliefs and doctrinal teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. No one else came to the defense of the “faithful and discreet slave”. Steven Unthank, as the current acting prosecutor, was the only person who defended them. Unthank then presented argument that the “faithful and discreet slave” was real and was that body of Jehovah’s Witness Christians that had religious responsibility over the entire Christian congregation.
The Watchtower Society and Vincent Toole Solicitors then presented rebuttal argument that the “faithful and discreet slave” did not exist but were nothing more than a:-
“theological arrangement”
A massive gasp could be heard emanating from the gallery from amongst a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses who had attended to watch the hearing. It is worth noting that Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught that to deny the “faithful and discreet slave” is to deny the Christ and that those who deny the Christ are the antichrist.