I think women would make a much better job of running the JW's

by Star tiger 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger


    Women are much better at organising and managing things in general, more comprising on issues and coming to an equality of thought, I can say this from a micro management idea of the family budget, if it was down to me the wages would be spent on an ipad 3 with no regard as to how we were to eat for the last three weeks of the month as to what we would do, thank funk for my wife!

    An yet the JW's, seem to hate the ladies, so to be patronising, are much better than a lot of us chaps in keeping the family afloat!


    Star Tiger

    p.s I think ladies the run society which is good otherwise nothing would get done.

  • Diest

    I always think that women would make good elders. There are many women who are compasionate, kind, and caring. It would be a great balance. I really think that female leadership is not common enough in most religions and business.

    Then again religion seems to be here to opress women.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I don't know about women being better organisers and managers but they are certainly a lot more nurturing and caring and less inclined to hurt anyone than men in general. I reckon if women were running the organisation they wouldn't have stupid policies like the ban on blood transfusions, fanatical rules re child abuse allegations, no birthdays, horrible shunning that ruins families and parental relationships. JW's wouldn't have any of their disgusting policies that harm children and families if it was being run by women.

    In fact, women would make a much better job of running the world. I'm a man but but when you look through history and the world as it is today men have made a total f*ck-up of things. Testosterone, macho idiots obsessed with war and conquest, caused nothing but suffering and death. What would world history have been like if only women had all the power? Would have been a lot less suffering and death for sure. Now that would make a good novel.

  • fahrvegnugen

    Well there are just as many women out there who are controlling manipulative bitches--and I could name several in the KHs I attended. That is why I don't buy into these sorts of gender-based generalizations.

  • james_woods

    With all due respect, Star Tiger, I do not think that a woman could have created the Ferrari.

  • ziddina

    Ah, Star Tiger....

    I don't think that you've thought this all the way thru...

    First, the women would be supporting - running - a religion/sect/cult based on Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern misogynistic males' mentality....

    Coupled with an organization started by a man - person - who was a con-artist, to boot.

    There's nothing in it for women.... The theology is so anti-woman, that for women to "run the show", would involve mind-destroying conflicts within the women...

    Like "Claire Prophet" - or as my Montana friends used to call her, "Clear Profit" - who is heading up a male-oriented cult, the dichotomy would increase the stress on the women running the show, causing ever more bizarre behaviors and ultimately some sort of breakdown...

    Although, if women could take over the cult and RE-SHAPE it into something more benign, that could be a good thing... Or it could become a slightly more palatable form of the same poison, morphed into something that is frighteningly more effective at devouring people....

  • Iamallcool

    I disagree, women are big talkers.

  • Iamallcool

    If women take control of the organization many years ago and they continue to this day and they do not discourage teenagers to play sports for high school, I will support them. My biggest pet peeve with the organization is they discourage youths to play high school sports. I was very angry with them, but I cannot continue to be angry with them, life has to go on.

  • ziddina


    Actually, I Am All Cool, sociological studies have shown that in most mixed social settings, the men talk more than the women....

    Based on the higher valuation of males over females in most cultures...

  • JeffT

    Women probably could do a better job of running the WTBS. So could children, clowns, monkeys, dogs, cats. OK maybe not cats, but just about anything else.

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