OK, fine. If you want it stated again for the record, here it is:
Mr. Woods has expanded his JW-only pen, but he is still trapped inside a pen and clings to labels. As a JW, he believed that only JWs were good, and the rest of the world was bad. Now he believes that other Christians can be good, but that all of Islam is bad.
I give him credit for making progress, but he is still 'captive to the concept' of Christian exceptionalism.
1. Labels are just another word for a way to refer to various beliefs. They are just names. However, I am not ashamed to call Radical Islam just that - I am not ashamed to call a Terrorist just that.
2. As a JW, I never believed that only JWs were good and the rest of the world was bad. I was practically a born in JW - (my parents joined it when I was 10) - but I never believed that. I also never believed in their 49,000 year creation chronology, their Armageddon, immortal paradise earth, and many other silly stories. I was cult-brainwashed into going through their motions, but I always reserved profound reservations about it.
3. I am not a "Christian". I am religiously an agnostic. I happen to think that many Christians are bad, but not all. The Westboro Baptist Church is a prime example of bad Christianity.
4. I do not believe that all of Islam is bad. I believe that unfortunately, the philosophy is a philosophy of hatred and intolerance for a large proportion of Islam toward the west and other religions. This story is an example of the part of Islam that is bad. The Al-Queda gunman who killed the Jewish Rabbi and three kids in France is another example of bad Islam.
Is the above really so difficult to figure out? I am critical of non-tolerant Islam in todays world. You, I think, are an Islamic apologist.