Moroccan girl commits suicide after being forced to marry her rapist

by Diest 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods
    Mr. Woods has expanded his JW-only pen, but he is still trapped inside a pen and clings to labels. As a JW, he believed that only JWs were good, and the rest of the world was bad. Now he believes that other Christians can be good, but that all of Islam is bad.
    I give him credit for making progress, but he is still 'captive to the concept' of Christian exceptionalism.

    Thank you Justicia, for trying to explain my belief system to everyone on JWN. However, - take note:

    Mr. Woods believes none of the above.

    Mr. Woods also believes that it is pointless to debate this here - except to say that the topic story is an absolute outrage, and should be denounced by all of Islam. Which it obviously has not been.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Your beliefs are documented in prior posts as are mine Mr. Woods.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    except to say that the topic story is an absolute outrage, and should be denounced by all of Islam. Which it obviously has not been.

    Your over-emotionalism concerning Islam is on display again Woods.

    A cursory reading of the comments associated with the Al Arabiya article shows multiple denouncements. Simply put, you failed to see any denoucements because you failed to look. You failed to look because you weren't interested in seeing.

    This was the first one I found...comment number four:

    Moroccan gov't should punish those judges Mohammad Nabiul Karim (Guest) 09:45am GMT, 12:45pm KSA, 14/03/2012 It was absolutely unlawful judgement by some stupid bull-sheet judge(s)..... Moroccan gov't should punish those judges for this Uncivilized barbarian philosophical judgement indeed......

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    As for your not wanting to get involved in this debate, I believe YOU posted this, which naturally prompted Diests question. That is a very odd way of not wanting to get involved. ; )

    Which person on the left said we should follow sharia law?

    I was speaking of a poster here.

  • james_woods

    OK, fine. If you want it stated again for the record, here it is:

    Mr. Woods has expanded his JW-only pen, but he is still trapped inside a pen and clings to labels. As a JW, he believed that only JWs were good, and the rest of the world was bad. Now he believes that other Christians can be good, but that all of Islam is bad.
    I give him credit for making progress, but he is still 'captive to the concept' of Christian exceptionalism.

    1. Labels are just another word for a way to refer to various beliefs. They are just names. However, I am not ashamed to call Radical Islam just that - I am not ashamed to call a Terrorist just that.

    2. As a JW, I never believed that only JWs were good and the rest of the world was bad. I was practically a born in JW - (my parents joined it when I was 10) - but I never believed that. I also never believed in their 49,000 year creation chronology, their Armageddon, immortal paradise earth, and many other silly stories. I was cult-brainwashed into going through their motions, but I always reserved profound reservations about it.

    3. I am not a "Christian". I am religiously an agnostic. I happen to think that many Christians are bad, but not all. The Westboro Baptist Church is a prime example of bad Christianity.

    4. I do not believe that all of Islam is bad. I believe that unfortunately, the philosophy is a philosophy of hatred and intolerance for a large proportion of Islam toward the west and other religions. This story is an example of the part of Islam that is bad. The Al-Queda gunman who killed the Jewish Rabbi and three kids in France is another example of bad Islam.

    Is the above really so difficult to figure out? I am critical of non-tolerant Islam in todays world. You, I think, are an Islamic apologist.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    OK, fine. If you want it stated again for the record, here it is:

    James, James, James...just own the fact that you created this discussion instead of weakly trying to make it appear as if I started this. In fact, "for the record," I was quite content to laugh at you and Bangalore, and responded only when Diest asked a question. Perhaps you should refrain from attacking others. ; )

    You, I think, are an Islamic apologist.

    For which Islam?

  • james_woods

    Never mind, Justicia. Asked and answered.

    And, this second page of the thread is off topic.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Never mind, Justicia. Asked and answered.

    Yep! I can wholeheartedly get behind what you call "good" Islam, in addition to "good" Christianity, Hinduism, Shintoism, etc.

    And yes, it is off topic. The next time you and Bangalore want to take a swipe at me, why don't you guys grow a set of balls and do it a dedicated thread. It will have two benefits: 1) I will be more likely to see it, as opposed the pioneer-sneer, behind-my-back, innuendo tactic you two used in this thread, and 2) it will not take someone else's thread off subject.

    Now, I am off to babysit my granddog. Good day gentlemen.

  • james_woods

    Have a nice day, Justicia.

    BTW - how did you know we were talking about you? Neither one of us gave a name, IIRC.

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